I can only send you the orphaned email message with the Wi-Fi connection thought to be looted and some digital photos. The wages of my year are already turning yellow, and by the long-ago balmy summer, only nostalgias, familiar sweet movements, answer. He infused our difficult love – if there was - the marcona of our fate, the selfish law to the core, like the curious, exposed teenagers – once upon a time, we both thought hesitantly that our kissing hugs could fill the whole Universe.

My orphaned tears address me again – if you want, if you don't - my feverish temple has been relieved by your former babbling. The famous beach where the engraved truth glistened on wedding rings hidden in coconut balls: , I love you so much!” – And our unnecessary words could only seem like childish, small-time, out-of-the-way nicknames. I'm humming a crying, lonely, romantic serenade at you, and even now for – so many tumultuous, much-tried years - I'm long-sufferingly hoping that your golden-feeling heart can lure you back to me.

I can only send you one pathetic, useless digital letter: it includes my entire, hoped-for life. Read between the lines slowly and thoughtfully, if I may ask. I wanted to live by the sea. Loud ocean foam would have washed the tracks of our feet. – Because now I feel more and more dull, evening fevers are coming for me, while a heart attack danger is eagerly hammered in my madly high-blood pressure heart. Do you just feel the defected ruins of your Absence, which you have started in yourself, just like me, and can't you forget what it was like to love bewitched with a glance of flirtation?

What could have clung to the possibility of a fuller, more likely life?!

Scheme X X X X
Poetic Form
Metre 1110110100110101101011110011001010111101010100101011010101010110101011010011110111010101101101000110101011111000110101110110 110111011111111100101101111010001011001110110110010111111010010011101110111101111001010010011101011110100111111101110101111111 1110111010101001010110101111010110010011111101110111011110111010111110111010110111010110110010011011101111100101011101111000111101101111111011011010 111110010010101101
Characters 1,717
Words 306
Sentences 14
Stanzas 4
Stanza Lengths 1, 1, 1, 1
Lines Amount 4
Letters per line (avg) 333
Words per line (avg) 75
Letters per stanza (avg) 333
Words per stanza (avg) 75
Font size:

Written on May 24, 2024

Submitted by oasev on May 23, 2024

1:33 min read

Norbert Tasev

 · Budapest

I was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history. I was history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Smachwords and Publishdrive as part of an author's book publishing! more…

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    "AN EMAIL-MESSAGE" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 22 Feb. 2025. <>.

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