Analysis of Let Us Worship Him

Let Us Worship Him
In the solemn hour that empowers
Let us rise up, like searchlights
To bring May's ultimatum
A great trumpet's thunderous sound
Of alarm, to awake the sleeping
With excessive amaze, let us with tenacity
Woo the spirit with words of worship
Let us worship Him, oh glorious King
Our hearts open, our voices ring
For Christ our Savior, we raise our hands
In adoration, our souls expand
Let us worship Christ, our Savior dear
With every breath, let us draw near
To His throne, in humble praise
For His love and kindness, our hearts ablaze
For His words of healing, we give our thanks
For His words that encourage, all to enlighten
For His faithfulness and for His favor
We lift our voices, in holy fervor
For His wisdom and empowerment
And for His grace and tender mercy
We will worship Christ, the Lord above
With every beat of our hearts, we'll show our love
So let us exalt Him, in unity
Let us honor and adore, in perfect harmony
For His goodness, we'll forever sing
Our praises to the King of Kings
Let us worship Him, with all our might
For He is the source of all that is right
In this world, and in the heavens above
I will worship Christ, with never-ending love.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Let Us Worship Him

Scheme Axxxxbcxbbxxddeexxffxcggccbxhhgg iiA
Poetic Form
Metre 11101 0010101010 111111 111010 0111001 101101010 1010011110100 101011110 1110111001 1011010101 11101011101 001010101 1110110101 110011111 1110101 11101010101 11111011101 111101011010 11101110 11101001010 111000100 011101010 111010101 11001110111101 1110110100 1110001001100 111010101 101010111 1110111101 1110111111 0110001001 11101110101 101111 111 11101
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 1,273
Words 239
Sentences 4
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 32, 3
Lines Amount 35
Letters per line (avg) 28
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 498
Words per stanza (avg) 117
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Submitted by dashaun_s on June 22, 2024

1:12 min read

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    "Let Us Worship Him" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 22 Feb. 2025. <>.

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