Analysis of Riders of The Concrete Range

When I hear the horns like gunshots
from those badge-branded scooters,
see their flagpoles shudder
between tool-leather saddlebags,
I know fair warnin’s been given to them thar
pedestrian varmints to get out of the way,
comin’ through, places to go, yippee kiyay.
When they ride the concrete on rubber hooves
rounding up groceries or tethering at
the hitching rail of yonder coffee saloon,
I’m drawn to admire those electric desperadoes
whose legs, knees, or hips were drygulched
in the rocks of life’s random ambushes.
They’ve taken to galloping their battery-driven nags
much as you’d expect any old-time outlaw
would grab the reins of a getaway horse
and dodge a stretch in the hoosegow of immobility.

Poetic Form
Metre 1110111 1111010 11110 0111010 1111110111 01001111101 11101111 1110011101 101100111 01011101001 111011010010 1111101 0011110100 11011001100101 1110110111 110110101 010100110100
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 718
Words 123
Sentences 3
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 17
Lines Amount 17
Letters per line (avg) 33
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 569
Words per stanza (avg) 115

About this poem

A celebration of a certain kind of resilience

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Written on August 13, 2024

Submitted by Noddy on August 22, 2024

36 sec read

Roy Graham

 · 1946 · Glasgow

Retired teacher living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. more…

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    "Riders of The Concrete Range" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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