Analysis of In the heat of the night.

I can sense the warmth of the night beneath the gentle gaze of the stars. A whisper of the wind reaches my ears, entwined in a quiet labyrinth. The moonlight gracefully glimmers on the leaves, cast by playful shadows as they dance in the evening light. They have no destination but here. I will be waiting for you to appear, and then you’ll understand how our love will flourish. Your apple blossom scent hangs in the midnight breeze, and I must ask: do you truly want to leave? Your soft, sweet lips are unmatched by anything on this earth or in the air. I'm not of this world and I do care.

Scheme A
Poetic Form Monorhyme
Metre 1110110101010110101010110110100101001100101011110111100101111010111111011101011011101110110101100110111111011111111011101111001111110111
Characters 594
Words 112
Sentences 8
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 1
Lines Amount 1
Letters per line (avg) 465
Words per line (avg) 112
Letters per stanza (avg) 465
Words per stanza (avg) 112

About this poem

This poem is just a love story.

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Written on October 04, 2024

Submitted by alanswansea18 on October 04, 2024

Modified by alanswansea18 on October 04, 2024

33 sec read


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    "In the heat of the night." STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 24 Feb. 2025. <>.

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