Analysis of A Sea of Pain

In the quiet hush of dawn,  
a tide pulls back, revealing shadows—  
the remnants of yesterday's sorrow,  
whispers caught in crests and troughs.

Beneath the cerulean sky,  
waves crash like forgotten dreams,  
each surge a memory etched in salt,  
rising from the depths of grief.  

Footprints lost to shifting sand;   
the ocean swallows all it touches.  
We stand at the shore’s edge, hearts heavy—  
chests rising with every sighing wave.  

The gulls cry out—a call unanswered—   
floating on invisible currents;   
they circle above this relentless sea,   
carrying tales soaked in ache.    

Fingers trace patterns on wet stone—    
sharp reminders that life slips away:   
children laugh where once we screamed,     
yet joy feels like whispering ghosts.

And so it is here I gather fragments:    
scattered shells holding secrets kept too long;    
I hear their echoes drown beneath foam—     
remnants casting solace where none abide.     

But even amidst this vast expanse      
of jagged edges and fluid despair;      
there’s beauty stitched into each heartbeat—     
in silent acceptance lies our strength.

Let waves consume what they must take,
while we find refuge amongst the pain—
holding close what binds us to one another:
this jarring truth between hope and loss.

So let us wade deeper into dark waters;     
for it is there—the abyss reveals stars —    
illuminating paths through churning turmoil—
and together we chart a course toward healing.

With open hearts afloat upon this sea,
we embrace shadow alongside light:
finding peace among these turbulent tides
where love persists beyond our wounds.

Poetic Form
Metre 0010111 01110101 01011010 1010101 01011 1110101 110100101 1010111 111101 010101110 111011110 1101100101 01110110 101010010 1100110101 1001101 10110111 101011101 1011111 11111001 0111111010 1011010111 111101011 1010101101 110011101 111001001 11010111 0100101101 11011111 111100101 10111111010 110101101 11111001110 1111001011 010011101 001011010110 1101010111 10110111 1010111001 110101101
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 1,656
Words 294
Sentences 11
Stanzas 10
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Lines Amount 40
Letters per line (avg) 31
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 123
Words per stanza (avg) 25
Font size:

Written on November 19, 2024

Submitted by raitano on November 19, 2024

1:28 min read

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    "A Sea of Pain" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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