Analysis of Toreador

Pepita queen of Venice
When you go beneath your shutter
All gondoliers call out:
Watch out--Toreador!
No one rules your heart
In the grand palace where you sleep
And near you the old duenna lies in waiting
for the Toreador.
Toreador, bravest of the brave
When in Piazza San Marco
The wild, slobbering bull
Falls slain by your blade
It is not pride that caresses
Your heart beneath your golden cape
It is for a young goddess
That your passion burns, toreador.

Lovely Spanish girl
In your gondola
Dancing and prancing
Under your mantilla
Sparkling eyes
Shining mouth
That's Pepita

Tomorrow is St. Escurio's Day,
With its combat to the death
The canal is full of sails
Celebrating the Toreador
More than one Venetian beauty
Trembles to know your fate
But you despise all their laces—you suffer—
Since not seeing her appear
Hidden behind an orange tree,
Pepita alone at her window
You think about vengeance.
Under your caftan slips your dagger
Jealousy gnaws at your heart
And alone with the noise of the waves
You weep toreador.

So many horsemen! so great a crowd!
Filling the arena to its limits
From a hundred leagues people keep coming
To cheer you—Toreador!
And so he enters the arena
With more composure than a lord
But he can scarcely walk, the poor
His gloomy dream contains no more
Than to die before the eyes of all
As he feels the piercing of those horns
Within his sad, troubled brow
He sees Pepita sitting there,
Offering her gaze and her body
To the oldest doge of Venice
Laughing at the toreador.

Scheme abcbdxebxfxxxxab xgecgxxg xxxbhxbBxhfxbdxb xxebgxxBxxxxxhab
Poetic Form
Metre 0101110 11101110 10111 111 11111 00110111 0110111010 101 110101 10010110 011001 11111 11111010 11011101 1110110 111011 10101 01100 10010 1 101010 101 101 1010 011111 1110101 0011111 10001 11101010 11111 11011110110 1 1110001 10011101 010011010 110110 10111110 1001111 001101101 111 110101101 1000101110 1010110110 1111 011100010 11010101 11110101 1 11010111 111010111 111010111 0111101 11010101 100010010 10101110 10101
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 1,506
Words 274
Sentences 13
Stanzas 4
Stanza Lengths 16, 8, 16, 16
Lines Amount 56
Letters per line (avg) 22
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 310
Words per stanza (avg) 68
Font size:

Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:22 min read

Jean Cocteau

Jean Maurice Eugène Clément Cocteau was a French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, playwright, artist and filmmaker. more…

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    "Toreador" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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