Analysis of Prologue to Albumazar

John Dryden 1631 (Aldwincle) – 1631 (London)

To say this comedy pleased long ago,
Is not enough to make it pass you now.
Yet, gentlemen, your ancestors had wit,
When few men censured, and when fewer writ.
And Jonson, of those few the best, chose this,
As the best model of his master-piece:
Subtle was got by our Albumazar,
That Alchymist by this Astrologer;
Here he was fashioned, and we may suppose,
He liked the fashion well, who wore the clothes.
But Ben made nobly his what he did mould;
What was another's lead, becomes his gold:
Like an unrighteous conqueror he reigns,
Yet rules that well which he unjustly gains.
But this our age such authors does afford,
As make whole plays, and yet scarce write one word;
Who, in this anarchy of wit, rob all,
And what's their plunder, their possession call;
Who, like bold padders, scorn by night to prey,
But rob by sunshine, in the face of day:
Nay, scarce the common ceremony use
Of, “Stand, Sir, and deliver up your Muse;”
But knock the poet down, and, with a grace,
Mount Pegasus before the owner's face.
Faith, if you have such country Toms abroad,
'Tis time for all true men to leave that road.
Yet it were modest, could it but be said,
They strip the living, but these rob the dead;
Dare with the mummies of the Muses play,
And make love to them the Egyptian way;
Or, as a rhyming author would have said,
Join the dead living to the living dead.
Such men in poetry may claim some part,
They have the licence, though they want the art;
And might, where theft was praised, for laureats stand,
Poets, not of the head, but of the hand.
They make the benefits of others' studying,
Much like the meals of politic Jack-Pudding,
Whose dish to challenge no man has the courage;
'Tis all his own, when once he has spit i'the porridge.
But, gentlemen, you're all concerned in this;
You are in fault for what they do amiss;
For they their thefts still undiscovered think,
And durst not steal, unless you please to wink.
Perhaps, you may award by your decree,
They should refund,—but that can never be;
For, should you letters of reprisal seal,
These men write that which no man else would steal.

Poetic Form
Metre 1111001101 1101111111 110011011 1111001101 0101110111 1011011101 10111101 11110100 1111001101 1101011101 1111011111 1101010111 11110011 1111110101 11101110101 1111011111 1011001111 0111010101 111111111 111100111 110101001 1110010111 1101010101 1100010101 1111110101 1111111111 1101011111 1101011101 1101010101 0111100101 1101010111 1011010101 1101001111 1101011101 011111111 1011011101 110100110100 1101110110 11110111010 1111111111010 1100110101 1101111101 111110101 0111011111 0111011101 1101111101 1111010101 1111111111
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 2,106
Words 388
Sentences 12
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 48
Lines Amount 48
Letters per line (avg) 34
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 1,612
Words per stanza (avg) 384
Font size:

Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:58 min read

John Dryden

John Dryden was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668. more…

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