Analysis of Faded Life

Raindrops keep falling in my head
As I was creeping between the lines
Blood droops keep falling to the ground
As I was cutting my veins to bleed for your smiles
Teardrops keeps falling down my eyes
As I was lost into the memories of past
Mere hope keep falling down my heart
As I was sleepy into the death at last
Pure prayer keeps falling down my lips
As I was wiping down the love and grip
Scanty life keeps falling to leap the death
As true love keep failing down to my grave.
Never ending nightmare keeps falling down to my dreams
As each insomniac night I woke up crying into screams
No words keep falling down to my ears
As I was lost into hope to hear some today
So tear drops keeps falling through my eyes
As I was praying forever you to be mine may be today.
Dark pills keep falling down through my throat
As I lay insomniac all nights long soaked into guilt
Black ray keep falling into canvas as I was holding a brush
Felt into the tornado, as he was to no love just for a crush
Plain eyes got soaked into rotten smile
As he was running a mile and some more miles alone

Poetic Form
Metre 1110011 111100101 11110101 111101111111 1110111 111101010011 11110111 11110010111 11110111 1111010101 1011101101 1111101111 101011101111 11010111110011 111101111 111101111101 111110111 1111001011111101 111101111 1110101111011 1111001101111001 1010011111111101 111101101 1111001011101
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 1,056
Words 214
Sentences 3
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 24
Lines Amount 24
Letters per line (avg) 36
Words per line (avg) 9
Letters per stanza (avg) 863
Words per stanza (avg) 214
Font size:

Submitted by AzaleaSpirit on October 04, 2014

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:04 min read

Abinash Parajuli

Abinash Parajuli is a Nepali poet, novelist, music critic and a journalist. Currently, he's acting a CEO/Executive Editor at MuzBuzz Monthly Magazine. more…

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