Analysis of Between the Lines

Between the Lines

There paths had finally crossed.
Each traveling in thier different worlds
Both feeling each other's despair
Yet knowing they would never dare
Continuing on the path they had chose
Aware of a love that would never be
known. Each sharing there thoughts Behind the art of crafting words, protecting there intament desires.
The truth could only be reveled. When read between the lines..

Poetic Form
Metre 0101 1111001 11000101001 11011001 11011101 0100101111 0110111101 1110110101110101011010 01110110110101 1
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 420
Words 67
Sentences 6
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 1, 9
Lines Amount 10
Letters per line (avg) 35
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 176
Words per stanza (avg) 34
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Submitted by JesusPenaranda on May 07, 2015

Modified on April 27, 2023

20 sec read

Jesus Penaranda

Name: Jesus Penaranda Race: Cuban American Eye color: Hazel Occupation: Communications Hobbies: Photography, writing, spirituality, family outtings, napping Nick Name: Hace History: Hace was one of those kids in high school who got along with various niches. As a result, he ended up with many different types of friends from various nationality and as soon as he graduated traveled the United States from NY to California and places in between. Nonetheless he was accepted by all different cultures and was considered open minded. During a period of living in Texas he attended acommunity college as a electronics student, and somehow was lucky enough to land a job with a large utility company. Remained there and moved to Southern California. Were he took up the study of communication.. Other Facts: Extremely intuitive and sensitive, is an old soul...With an ability to learn something from anyone. I already lost touch with a couple of people I use to be.. more…

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    "Between the Lines" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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