Analysis of Undines Of Diverse Days

The eyes of heaven were on her bent,
In a rapture of loving wonderment,
As her song with the nightingale's was blent:
And one yearn'd for a love, and one sigh'd for a soul!

Moonlight and starlight alike seemed cold,
As their silver glanced on her locks of gold;
And the dream on her face was a dream of old,
Whose sorrow no sunrise might smile away.

I read her yearning and weary smile,
As her song rang sadder and sadder the while,
With its weird refrain of a magic isle,
Where some might have rest, but never might she!

She, the darling of Sky and Stream,
She was but as wind, or as wave, or as dream,
To play for a while in life's glory and gleam:
But what would be left at the end of the day?

The sun smiles down upon her distress
With a tyrant smile most pitiless,
As she stitches away in her tatter'd dress,
With a song on her lips, that sinks in a sigh.

Yet, scorning her dusty window pane,
For all his pride, in love he is fain
Soft gold on her golden hair to rain;
But no sunlight may soften that soulless stare.

I read her yearning and weary sigh,
And the eyes that would be, but are not, dry;
And I catch the voice of that voiceless cry
For a moment to rest, for a moment to weep.

She, the darling of Want and Woe,
Why was she sent, save to work and to go
With feet that will ever more weary grow?
Whither? she has not a moment to care!

The Undine of olden days, I read,
By the love of a soul from her trammels was freed:
Knows there another such dolorous need?
Sure on the earth lingers yet such a soul!

Poetic Form
Metre 011100101 0010110100 10110111 011101011101 1010111 1110110111 00110110111 110111101 110100101 10111001001 1110110101 1111111011 10101101 11111111111 11101011001 11111101101 011101001 101011100 11100100101 10110111001 11010101 111101111 111010111 1111101101 110100101 0011111111 0110111101 101011101011 10101101 1111111011 1111101101 1011101011 01110111 10110110111 11010111 1101101101
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 1,515
Words 316
Sentences 13
Stanzas 9
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Lines Amount 36
Letters per line (avg) 32
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 129
Words per stanza (avg) 34
Font size:

Submitted on August 03, 2020

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:36 min read

Arthur Shearly Cripps

Arthur Shearly Cripps (10 June 1869 – 1 August 1952) was an English Anglican priest, missionary, activist, short story writer, and poet who spent most of his life in Southern Rhodesia more…

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