Analysis of A Rune Of The Rain

O many-toned rain!
O myriad sweet voices of the rain!
How welcome is its delicate overture
At evening, when the moist and glowing west
Seals all things with cool promise of night's rest.

At first it would allure
The earth to kinder mood,
With dainty flattering
Of soft, sweet pattering:
Faintly now you hear the tramp
Of the fine drops, falling damp
On the dry, sun-seasoned ground
And the thirsty leaves, resound.
But anon, imbued
With a sudden, bounding access
Of passion, it relaxes
All timider persuasion.
And, with nor pretext nor occasion,
Its wooing redoubles;
And pounds the ground, and bubbles
In sputtering spray,
Flinging itself in a fury
Of flashing white away;
Till the dusty road,
Dank-perfumed, is o'erflowed;
And the grass, and the wide-hung trees,
The vines, the flowers in their beds, -
The virid corn that to the breeze
Rustles along the garden-rows, -
Visibly lift their heads,
And, as the quick shower wilder grows,
Upleap with answering kisses to the rain.

Then, the slow and pleasant murmur
Of its subsiding,
As the pulse of the storm beats firmer,
And the steady rain
Drops into a cadenced chiding!
Deep-breathing rain,
The sad and ghostly noise
Wherewith thou dost complain - -
Thy plaintive, spiritual voice,
Heard thus at close of day
Through vaults of twilight gray -
Vexes me with sweet pain;
And still my soul is fain
To know the secret of that yearning
Which in thine utterance I hear returning.
Hush, oh hush!
Break not the dreamy rush
Of the rain:
Touch not the marring doubt
Words bring to the certainty
Of its soft refrain;
But let the flying fringes flout
Their drops against the pane,
And the gurgling throat of the water-spout
Groan in the eaves amain.

The earth is wedded to the shower;
Darkness and awe gird round the bridal hour!

O many-toned rain!
It hath caught the strain
Of a wilder tune,
Ere the same night's noon,
When dreams and sleep forsake me,
And sudden dread doth wake me,
To hear the booming drums of heaven beat
The long roll to battle; when the knotted cloud,
With an echoing loud,
Bursts asunder
At the sudden resurrection of the thunder;
And the fountains of the air,
Unsealed again, sweep, ruining, everywhere,
To wrap the world in a watery winding-sheet.

O myriad sweet voices of the rain!
When the airy war doth wane,
And the storm to the east hath flown,
Cloaked close in the whirling wind,
There's a voice still left behind
In each heavy-hearted tree,
Charged with tearful memory
Of the vanished rain:
From their leafy lashes wet
Drip the dews of fresh regret
For the lover that's gone!
All else is still;
Yet the stars are listening,
And low o'er the wooded hill
Hangs, upon listless wing
Outspread, a shape of damp, blue cloud,
Watching, like a bird of evil
That knows nor mercy nor reprieval,
The slow and silent death of the pallid moon.

But soon, returning duly,
Dawn whitens the wet hilltops bluely.
To her vision pure and cold
The night's wild tale is told
On the glistening leaf, in the mid-road pool,
The garden mold turned dark and cool,
And the meadows' trampled acres.
But hark, how fresh the song of the winged music-makers!
For now the moanings bitter,
Left by the rain, make harmony
With the swallow's matin-twitter,
And the robin's note, like the wind's in a tree.
The infant morning breathes sweet breath,
And with it is blent
The wistful, wild, moist scent
Of the grass in the marsh which the sea nourisheth:
And behold!
The last reluctant drop of the storm,
Wrung from the roof, is smitten warm
And turned to gold;
For in its veins doth run
The very blood of the bold, unsullied sun!

Scheme AAbcc xdeeffggdhxiihxjkjxclmlnmna bebaeaxaxjjaaeeooapkapapa bb Aaqqkkrssbbttr Aaxuukkavvxwewesxwq kwyyzz11bkbk2cx2y33yii
Poetic Form
Metre 11011 1100110101 11011100100 1101010101 1111110111 111101 011101 110100 1111 1011101 1011101 1011101 001011 1101 1010101 1101010 11010 01111010 1101 0101010 01001 10010010 110101 10101 10111 00100111 01010011 0111101 1010101 100111 010110101 1110010101 10101010 11010 101101110 00101 1010110 1101 010101 11101 11010001 111111 11111 11111 011111 110101110 10110011010 111 110101 101 110101 1110100 11101 11010101 110101 00100110101 10011 011101010 10011101010 11011 11101 10101 10111 1101011 0101111 1101011101 01111010101 111001 1010 10100101010 0010101 0101110010 110100100101 1100110101 1010111 00110111 1100101 1011101 0110101 1110100 10101 1110101 1011101 101011 1111 1011100 01100101 101101 1011111 10101110 1111011 01010110101 1101010 110111 1010101 011111 10100100111 01011101 0011010 1111011011010 110110 11011100 101110 00101101001 01010111 01111 010111 1010011011 001 010101101 11011101 0111 101111 01011010101
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 3,486
Words 644
Sentences 22
Stanzas 7
Stanza Lengths 5, 27, 25, 2, 14, 19, 22
Lines Amount 114
Letters per line (avg) 25
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 400
Words per stanza (avg) 90
Font size:

Submitted on August 03, 2020

Modified on March 05, 2023

3:16 min read

George Parsons Lathrop

 · 1898 · New York

George Parsons Lathrop was an American poet, novelist, and newspaper editor. He married Nathaniel Hawthorne's daughter, Rose Hawthorne. more…

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    "A Rune Of The Rain" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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    I wandered lonely as a _______ that floats on high o'er vales and hills
    A cloud
    B bird
    C flower
    D star