Analysis of FIRST INTERN

Freedom is natures lore… it is the path of life.
Yet man courts his laws to write humans rights.
See freedom stop.
Have all locked.
Progression blocked.
Like ill-fated balloons topped up.
Your deflated life goes pop pop.
Now you know it is all an inflated mock up.
Just flock to fleece in stock.
Exchange before all drop.
Quick to shear the value off this lot.  
Never whip the cream of the crop.  

The compliance and harm money brings; allow others to hold you by a cord.
All in the pen, dents to our pride as some refused to wield the mighty sword.
Thoughts knocked down because we succumbed to what we fought.
There are those who stood true for something...
Others lie... about the reasons why they did nothing at all.
We all experience fear of some sort.
For some ‘cowardice’ is a default.
Sheltered within… their civil lies weighs whilst forever safely cowering.
Without word or deed for their will, won’t fight that which their very oh beast city is devouring.

Poetic Form
Metre 101101110111 1111111101 1101 111 0101 11100111 10101111 111111101011 111101 010111 111010111 10101101 0010011010110111101 1001111011101110101 111011011111 111111110 101010101111011 1101001111 111001001 100111011101010100 011111111111110111010100
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 981
Words 194
Sentences 22
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 12, 9
Lines Amount 21
Letters per line (avg) 36
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 378
Words per stanza (avg) 87
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Submitted by Hubbsify on September 03, 2020

Modified by Hubbsify on November 20, 2021

58 sec read


I am looking beyond written 'histories' for truths that are intentionally disguised within words by way of using modern terms more…

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    "FIRST INTERN" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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