Analysis of Emily

Nature never made another
A maiden so very radiant,
She looked like her mother
And she loved to paint.

Her cheeks used to glow
Her lips were rosy red,
Radiant from head to toe
While locks adored her head.

Beauty unmatched by most girls
And graceful was her sight,
Eyes resembled that of pearls
And she was quite polite.

By angels she was sent
Glowed her face to feet,
Simple was she and innocent
Her beauty none could defeat.

Fancied even by every sage
And every monk or saint,
Very young was she in age
A lady so very radiant.

I certainly do remember
Our first meeting,
It was in mid november
While on the bus sitting.

A lady and a man
We fell for each other,
And love from then began,
Against will of her father.

By me she was carried
A place near the hill,
There we were married
Against her father's will.

But fell upon her illness
Which led to her end,
Filled her body stillness
To heavens she did ascend.

Chess I used to play
With love and my pride,
B'fore she fell into decay
On the river side.

Her voice earned every applause,
Had magic in her eye,
Fever was the very cause
That forced her to die.

On the Christmas eve
Of nineteen ninety five,
This world she did leave
And was last seen alive.

Her cough emitted blood
B'fore ascending to heaven,
And my eyes did flood
For she was 27.

Around her deathbed
Silently we all stood,
Not one word we said
Knowing die she would.

In pain she did shiver
Whose life was cruelly taken,
Suffered she from high fever
And never could be awaken.

Knocked doors but none replied
Lacking money for medicine,
For that she had died
Who was stranger to sin.

Very slowly she had died
Suffering from high fever,
I cried and I cried
And cried I a river.

Onto heavens her ascent
Was due to lacking money,
Every pain I underwent
And sorrow and  agony.

Sorrows only I received
For the fairest of all,
When she had lived
Had cheeks of a doll.

She was full of mirth
For whom tears are shed,
No longer in this earth
Her lips were rosy red.

Fairer than most or all
When she had lived,
More pleasant than the fall
For whom I am grieved.

Where life is not found
Where reigns only fear,
Beneath that heaped ground
Rots her body there.

During the midnight hour
I stand b'fore her tomb,
With her beloved flower
And purse and her comb.

For she was very fond
Of charm and her looks,
We sat beside a pond
And used to read books.

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Scheme abac dEde fgfg hibi jcjb akak lala mnmn opop qrqr stst uvuv wyws ezez ayay ryrx rara h1h1 234x 5e5E 3432 6x6x axax 7878 u
Poetic Form
Metre 10101010 010110100 111010 01111 01111 010101 1001111 110101 1001111 010101 1010111 011101 110111 10111 10110100 0101101 101011001 0100111 1011101 010110100 11001010 10110 1101010 110110 010001 111110 011101 0111010 111110 01101 11010 010101 1101010 11101 101010 1101101 11111 11011 11110101 10101 01110001 110001 1010101 11011 10101 111101 11111 011101 010101 11010110 01111 111 0101 100111 11111 10111 011110 1111010 1011110 01011010 111101 10101100 11111 111011 1010111 1001110 11011 011010 1010001 1111010 1001101 0100100 1010101 101011 1111 11101 11111 11111 110011 010101 101111 1111 110101 11111 11111 11101 01111 10101 100110 111101 100110 01001 111101 11001 110101 01111 1110101111
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 2,321
Words 458
Sentences 25
Stanzas 25
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1
Lines Amount 97
Letters per line (avg) 20
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 76
Words per stanza (avg) 18
Font size:

Submitted on October 06, 2012

Modified on March 05, 2023

2:18 min read

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    "Emily" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 24 Feb. 2025. <>.

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