Analysis of Explain to me please…

Explain to me please…

Explain to me,
 Let know me of why
 because I can't discover a purpose
 for you to make me cry

Does all God's creatures circle you?
 I believe not
 you ask for reverence
 through every single battle tussled

Are you as unknowing
 as you are tenacious
 because you use bad language and shout
 and awake with contempt

What did I do to you
 to generate all this unhappiness?
 Your possessiveness devours you
 you've doomed your destiny

I have under no circumstances seen him cheat
 He has no mistakes,
 but are you Mister Picture-perfect
 By means of God's holy bless?

For the reason that
 I no longer have belief
 quarreling about a dumb fork
 that's just when you bring into being

You don't contribute, you take
 you like to lecture one more
 I forgot, you're at all times right
 because you're Mister Picture-perfect?

Do you in good conscience believe
 you've warranted that tag?
 With a subjective view
 you bring me dishonor

Every argument you make
 Just displays you don't warrant
 any “reverence”
 You've got more or less nerve

Don't show the pity pass
 the marriage is in pieces
 and it's your whole doing
 you've made your cot

Come back to me in years
 after you've finally grown-up
 you have no more control

You showed with me no love
 I can never open my heart to you
 you've not ever been my friend
 and I've not ever trusted you

Your annoyance bloodsuckers onto me
 making me scorch with weeping
 I don't want you take blood suckering self on

To the next victim…

Poetic Form
Metre 01111 0111 11111 0111010010 111111 11110101 1011 111100 1100101010 111010 111010 011111001 001101 111111 110110100 101000101 111100 11101100111 11101 111101001 1111101 10101 1110101 10001011 111110110 1101011 1111011 10111111 011101001 11011001 110011 100101 111010 10010011 1011110 10100 111111 110101 0101010 011110 1111 111101 10110011 111101 111111 1110101111 1110111 01110101 101010101 1011110 111111111 10110
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 1,451
Words 264
Sentences 6
Stanzas 15
Stanza Lengths 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 1
Lines Amount 52
Letters per line (avg) 22
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 77
Words per stanza (avg) 18
Font size:

Submitted on August 21, 2014

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:24 min read

Diane JacksonBaul

I use poetry to release my inner most deep feelings. Poetry is my outlet to all. Its my therapy, for all that I have gone through and gonna go through.. A place where I'm able to say what I want. Whether criticized or agreed upon. Somewhere I can totally let down my hair. Think as I wish, Think as I can. Somewhere i can be me, and not care who knows, or sees me. No judgement, complete freedom to be me. more…

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