Analysis of Innocence

in this gentle purest youth
though my hands have held the truth
  the eggshell child so clear
makes my sorrow disappear
laid him there for time to grasp
but resist the lure of the asp
 blue eyes of the wildest stare
an electric wandering glare
future awaits this seed to grow
an eternal need to know
 hold like the chrysalis for safe keeping
when you spread your wings watch mother weeping

Poetic Form
Metre 0110101 1111101 01111 111001 1111111 10101101 1110101 10101001 10011111 1010111 1101001110 1111111010
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 378
Words 71
Sentences 1
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 12
Lines Amount 12
Letters per line (avg) 26
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 315
Words per stanza (avg) 71
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Submitted on October 09, 2013

Modified on March 05, 2023

21 sec read

clifton redmond

I am tiring of the hardship of this site i will be posting less here if you wish me to review your poems here or just share your work with me you can do so by looking me up on facebook, i hope this site is fixed soon as i have learned so much here and have made so many countless friends here, most of you i already see on facebook, but the ones who i have not found i urge you to find me more…

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    "Innocence" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 21 Dec. 2024. <>.

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