Analysis of Inspiration

I sit here at my desk, trying to find some
inspiration. I read the news and watch TV.
I see the entire world up close. Now tell me
again about inspiration. How can I write a
heart warming story with all the ugliness
I see.
Actors and ball players make all that money
while people's children go to bed hungry.
All the greedy politics that go on, while
death tallies abroad on foreign soil.
Let me get this straight, I write a line or
two and make it all go away. If I could do
all that, man hold on to something. But I
just sit here at my desk looking at all this
crap, of reality shows and all the millions
some punk rocker makes while he rolls.
Life's title is; "Give me all I can take".
There you have it, my inspiration for today.

Poetic Form
Metre 11111110111 01011010111 110010111111 010101011110 11010110100 11 10011011110 1101011110 1010101111 110011101 1111111011 101111011111 1111111011 11111110111 1110101010 11101111 1101111111 11111010101
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 716
Words 146
Sentences 12
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 18
Lines Amount 18
Letters per line (avg) 31
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 565
Words per stanza (avg) 146
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Submitted on June 16, 2010

Modified on March 05, 2023

44 sec read

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    "Inspiration" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 11 Feb. 2025. <>.

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