Analysis of When My Mother Was sick

It was mother's illness that worried me a lot,
I was in my college days,my formative years,
Mother was sick, very weak, and a cardiac patient,
Often got angry with my father for ignoring this fact,
For letting her to continue work in the kitchen non-stop,
Having no resources of my own, I was helpless,
My adolescent emotions manifested in tempers,
Sulks and tempers at every thing came on the way.
I even got annoyed with the birds which squawked,
Mewing of the cats, barking of the dogs and so on,
Irritated me fearing these might deny her any rest,
I even got annoyed at the sun for its dry ferocity,
The wind for its noise and added pollutants,
The calm for denying her a cooling breeze,
In short, all creations seemed a conspiracy,
A silent conspiracy challenging my Mother's existence.

Poetic Form
Metre 111010110101 11011011001 1011101001010 101101110101011 110010101001011 1011001111110 1010010100010 1010110011101 11010110111 110110101011 10011011010101 1101011011110100 01111010010 01101000101 011010100100 0100100100110010
Closest metre Iambic heptameter
Characters 840
Words 145
Sentences 5
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 16
Lines Amount 16
Letters per line (avg) 39
Words per line (avg) 9
Letters per stanza (avg) 626
Words per stanza (avg) 141
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Submitted on June 18, 2017

Modified on March 05, 2023

44 sec read

EP Haridasan

Hails from Kerala,India.I am 64 years old,retired from Goverment service ,presently settled in Delhi.My wife is a home maker.We have two sons,both settled in life.By virtue of my job,I have widely travelled across the country and few place abroad too.We are now leading a very happy and peaceful life.My hobbies include travelling,seeing places and reading a lot. more…

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    "When My Mother Was sick" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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