Analysis of "love shines"

Love shines  in my sweet soul  of honey  on my lips of sweetness
Love burns like a wild fire in my souls of rest
You are my shineing star at night when the fire Flys light up my path to find  you once more in my arms of fire kisses
As we travel  in the night the vampires rome and look at me as we kiss in the night moon light
They look for blood to devour n the nightmare of hate  in the black sky of fate
As the lions  cry's for the love they lost as the a blink of the eyes  its gone  oh where has my love gone to I must search
As the night grew dim I search for my true love still I can't find it
I look and I see a we little baby  kitten  shivering  under a stump  then I knew I have found  my true love
Love shines
Love shines

Scheme abcdefghII
Poetic Form
Metre 110111110111110 111011001111 11111111010111111111101111010 11100010101011111100111 1111101010111001111 10101101111001101111111111111 1011111111111111 11011011010101001001111111111 11 11
Characters 725
Words 159
Sentences 1
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 10
Lines Amount 10
Letters per line (avg) 56
Words per line (avg) 17
Letters per stanza (avg) 558
Words per stanza (avg) 173
Font size:

Submitted by wendy_m on March 22, 2021

Modified by wendy_m on March 22, 2021

48 sec read

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    ""love shines"" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. <>.

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