Analysis of Duet

1. Is it the wind of the dawn that I hear
      in the pine overhead?
2. No; but the voice of the deep as it hollows
      the cliffs of the land.
1. Is there a voice coming up with the
      voice of the deep from the strand,
   Once coming up with a Song in the
      flush of the glimmering red?
2. Love that is born of the deep coming
      up with the sun from the sea.
1. Love that can shape or can shatter a
      life till the life shall have fled?
2. Nay, let us welcome him, Love that
      can lift up a life from the dead.
1. Keep him away from the lone little isle.
      Let us be, let us be.
2. Nay, let him make it his own, let him
      reign in it - he, it is he,
   Love that is born of the deep coming
      up with the sun from the sea.

Scheme abcdedebfEebgbheiefE
Poetic Form
Metre 1101101111 001101 11011011110 01101 110110110 1101101 110110100 1101001 111110110 1101101 111111100 1101111 11110111 11101101 1101101101 111111 111111111 1011111 111110110 1101101
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 747
Words 158
Sentences 18
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 20
Lines Amount 20
Letters per line (avg) 25
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 509
Words per stanza (avg) 156
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Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 28, 2023

47 sec read

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, FRS was Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland during much of Queen Victoria's reign and remains one of the most popular British poets.  more…

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