Analysis of Happy New Year

Happy New Year.

A very happy New Year to you and yours, let s hope that it brings,
regal gifts, a plenty, usually only accorded to Queens and to Kings.
health, prosperity, contentment and happiness-but most of all love,
this priceless gift proffered at this festive time by our Lord above,
in the form of his son, so beloved, he humbly gave him to the world
and the inevitable story long foretold in the scriptures now unfurled,
wildly rich beyond all dreams and earthly aspiration, here the Messiah
was begotten without pomp and ceremony or heralding Heavenly choir
to a world busy with other meaningless enterprise, news of His birth
in modest surround, the magnitude of this event brings eternal mirth.
He came to prompt erring man to realise the true folly he has laid,
his wanton destruction, greed, avarice- the debt still remains unpaid,
so he could see through the mists and realise negative endeavour
is really a route to nowhere and subsequent malicious ties, to sever,
around the corner is Spring where the promise of lives anew reign ,
standing at the portal let us all reflect on things past and try to gain
a new outlook towards our fellow beings, whether human or beast
and on the positive things of life let us eat sparingly and truly feast.

Poetic Form
Metre 1011 01010111101111111 10101010001001011011 10100010010011111 11011011101110101 00111110111011101 0001000101010010101 101011101001010010 10100110100110010010 10110110100101111 01001010110110101 1 1111101110110111 11001011000110101 111110101100010 110011101000101110 0101011101011011 101010111011110111 01101101010101011 0101001111111000101
Closest metre Iambic octameter
Characters 1,345
Words 223
Sentences 5
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 1, 19
Lines Amount 20
Letters per line (avg) 50
Words per line (avg) 11
Letters per stanza (avg) 505
Words per stanza (avg) 111
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Submitted by paintedlady on May 01, 2021

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:06 min read

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    "Happy New Year" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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