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Baibhaba Chinhara is a poet whose words weave intricate tapestries of emotion and perception. Born in Puri, Odisha, Baibhaba explores the realms of the unseen and the mysterious, crafting verses that invite readers to find beauty in darkness, silence, and shadow. With a style that combines free-flowing lyricism and quiet contemplation, Baibhaba’s poetry evokes deep moods and introspection, uncovering the profound within the subtle and overlooked. Inspired by the natural world and the hidden corners of the mind, Baibhaba’s work is a journey into the depths of imagination and spirit.

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A fan since 23 days ago

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    Are you a poetry master?

    How may lines and syllables are in a Japanese Waka poem?
    A 50 syllables in 7 lines
    B 31 syllables in five lines
    C 30 syllables in every other line
    D 15 syllables in 7 lines