Benny11's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Benny11  —  There are currently 45 poems total — keep up the great work!

A Reunion with My Spirit

On one fateful day, I fled the dazzling city
Seeking solace back in the village
I contemplated, and my decision was clear
I am not a city dweller, but a child of nature
I survive in the forest, the rocks and the waters

I cherish the woods, I...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 day ago
The Crux of the Matter

In these lengthy deliberations, lofty speeches unfold
Aiming to better our nation with intellect yet untold
Yet progress falters with every stride we take

Cos we're shadow-boxing, beating the air
Massaging the symptoms here and there
And not...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 2 days ago
Children of Elebi

Children of Elebi are awake today
With the freedom to ascend my tree
And pluck down the apples
They'll scamper as I chase them
And return after a while

They'll race up and down screaming
Their laughter echoing
Running wild across the...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 7 days ago
The Flamboyant Miss Kate

The thing with Miss Kate is
She's so full of herself
Yet when shaken
She echoes emptiness
And sounds so hollow

She's just too loud
Like an empty drum
Her noise reverberates
Full of sensible nonsense
Wisdom of the naive


by Benson Chukwueke

added 8 days ago
Coming Soon!

If by hearing that the Lord is coming soon
Your heart trembles in fear, oh dear
Counting the deeds that you have done
Not sure where you'd stand
Then, this may just be the prompt
For you to make adjustments now
Of such secret acts nobody...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 11 days ago
The Burden of Obaraba

Father, why are people the way they are
Why do they pass judgement so bizarre
To a man who sacrifices so much
Showing empathy with soft touch

They often say, Obaraba is rich
He has wealth, large enough niche
To offer the whole town juicy...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 16 days ago
The Ghost Whimpers

Now watching her funeral
She weeps not her death
Awful awkward hypocrisy
Heads down to mourn
Feast and feast so fast
While her body lie in state

But she died of hunger
Maggot crawled her wounds
Friends fled to be friends
Day after day she...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 months ago
Ojuelegba Sleep

Ojuelegba sleep
O, where is sleep
On this insomniac night
Aroused by songs of music
Blaring through the holy hours

As bachelors seek for companions
Husbands ran away from home
From the torment of their nagging wives
And adventure into...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 4 months ago
Tighten Your Belt

Oga Preseedo, we hear you
You say make we tighten our belt
Make we de saakpa, de live a fasting life
Cos dis time naa austere times
But you loose di rope of your shokoto
And sit-don dey chop life
Ten wraps of amala with éwedu soup

by Benson Chukwueke

added 4 months ago
The Witch of Ilu-aje

We know you now
Chief cook of the evil one
We know you

Stirring bitters to boil hot
And cooking trouble
Is your favourite dish

Slaughtered many lambs
Eating flesh and drinking blood
Refresh your stony heart

Stalking kins and friends

by Benson Chukwueke

added 4 months ago
A New Season

Today starts differently
Morning broke chill fog
No rain, No thunder
Just a dried cold December morning

It's a new season
I can feel its power
With the smell of rain still on my nose
My lungs breathe meek dust
Which signals...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 5 months ago
Conspiritual Conspiracy

I saw the gathering in the temple
Among men of God
I heard them whisper in low tone
And talked about the fading love

They spoke about a new age doctrine
And the heresy so proclaimed
Which has swayed so many souls away
And brought murmur...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 5 months ago
Diagnosis of the Kwashiorkored Giant

I know you still feel ebullient
But you have to watch your steps now
Cos you're not as powerful
Nor as strong, as you use to be
You're sick, my black giant, you're very sick

You suffer from this deadly cankerworm
Which has eaten deep into...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 5 months ago
In Search Of the Lost Tongue

They journeyed back to the past
Digging deep into archives vast
Day and night they laboured on
Unearthing bones from ancient tombs
In search of the lost tongue

The mother tongue of Urhobos
The rope that bound the people as one
Long-lost in...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 5 months ago
A Practical Joke

He hasn't grown any business worth a penny
But stand on the podium teaching many
How to gain financial freedom
At this neophyte investors forum

Dressed like a millionaire
But has no experience to bring to bear
His voice sounded so...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 5 months ago
Who's In Control

Who's in control, I ask?
The man, they say, the master of the house
My husband is my king
A lion, feared by all
When he roars, the whole city quake

But I made his weakness my strength
Cos I know how to scheme my way
With crocodile tears, a...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 5 months ago
Not Knowing What to Think

The clock set off alarm, it was 12 midnight
And my mind wandered, lost in the night
Where on earth would she be now?
The uncertainty raised my eyes brow

Would it be, she had an accident?
I pray, a good Samaritan, heaven-sent
Found her...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 6 months ago
Come and Enjoy Life

Hey, Everyone that thirst
Come to the water
He that has no money
Come, buy and eat
Come buy wine and fresh milk
Without money, with no price

You labour for what isn't bread
You spend so much for less
Why do you struggle day and night

by Benson Chukwueke

added 8 months ago

I chose the wild road to run
I thought to stray away was fun
So I turn a deaf ear to my father's call
I thought my mother was old fashion after all
So I threw tantrums back at her

At sixteen, I thought I knew better
I knew the answer to all...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 8 months ago
Play Safe

It's better to say NO,
Don't say you don't know,
Cos it shows not on the face,
But think of the ordeals you'll face
Your life and future at stake,
Before making the same mistake.

It's but some minutes of fun,
Then you're forever done.

by Benson Chukwueke

added 8 months ago
Are You Traveling to Oron

Are you traveling to Oron to be lost
In the mysteries and secrets of Ekpe, the Bermuda triangle
lban Isong, a land deeply rooted in the ocean
With queen of the coast, daughters of mermaid
Of the marine race inhabit this town

A man who visits...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 8 months ago
Value for Life

When law and order broke down on the street,
And people run riotous, with no retreat,
Looting and destroying city's core,
Youth, in their recklessness, yearn for war.

But only those who've witnessed war's cruel face,
Can truly cherish peace...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 9 months ago
Another Midnight Massacre

All through wee hours of the morning
Laminga wail their missing persons, mourning
And the track road leading into Amurum forest
Stained with droplets of blood down the terraced
Searching into sunrise by Lafon river parts
headless corpses,...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 9 months ago
The Cracked Voice of Ernest Okonkwo

When we lost Ernest Okonkwo to the cold hands of death, football lost too.
The beautiful flower that adorn the beautiful game withered away
We still mourn his demise to this day
It was a huge loss and the big shoes he left, we are yet to find...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 11 months ago
For this cause

Demons hatched from isolated shell
Has brought down to us hell
Simple men with simple lives
Introverts, quiet and withdrawn
Summoned to fight this cause

Trained as suicide bombers
Bomb strapped around their own bodies
Airplane hijacked

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
Totally Crushed

Not once, I caught you stealing a glance at me
from a distance undressing me top to bottom
with your eyes secret lusting
salivating a married woman

And when I caught you in the act
you dropped your eyes like a sheepish little boy

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
Fear has been Defeated!

He gazed upon the skies
A view of a wandering eyes
Hallow eyes, filled with emptiness
Hopelessness and sadness

He was afraid of his own shadow
Cos his mind has become so shallow
He was afraid of tomorrow

 He was afraid to live another day...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
Ogoni Tribulation

Paddling down Luubara creek
As I explore the riverine this week
I saw oil spilled like blood
Over the water surface flood
Stench smell of rotten dishes
Flies buzzing on dead fishes
Floating and tossed by the waves
Trees wear out as the...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
This is Lagos

Arriving that evening
through the window screen
I saw the sign
And the hustle began

No slacking on this fast lane
Agbero yells in a raspy voice
No bus parking to wait for you
Here in Lagos
Passengers jump like monkeys

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
Power Play

We waited till minutes turn into hour
As People troop out to exercise their power
Time to reflect the decision we were about to take
Will our vote count with what is at stake
Is it to return tribal leaders in our city
or to install fresh men...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
The Root Cause

Sometimes, better to dig it up
Right from the root
And expose it to daylight
Cos' it's not good for a man to sleep all day
And not wake up to his responsibilities

It's not normal
If he pushes his wife out to the street
To hustle and to fend...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
Nomophobia Breakdown

Dopamine release lingers

 with continuous touch of her fingers
caressing through its brightened face
so it opens up to her, in real time and space
in text, audio and video,

 in such a romantic tango

She loves to live in the screen world

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
Lofty Dream

All the time, all my life
I've been chasing a dream
of catching the wind
But how could I explain the gleam
Without confounding the mind
Of things the senses cannot perceive
Is hard to believe

So how could I explain
Things only the heart...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
The Betrayal

Now you look down on your people
As you drive pass the street full throttle
Cos' the brothers you have betrayed
You dare not look up into their eyes

Your kinsmen, your friends
Together you once drink and dine
Who voted you into office

by Benson Chukwueke

added 1 year ago
The Deed

The room turned upside down
Pieces of papers littered the floor
With scribbles of his will
Ink spill over the bedsheet
Ball stamp on the wall
No doubt, this is the deed
The signature of my dear son
Just three year old,...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 2 years ago
Little Things that Make Love Blossom

I'm not a traditional poet

 As you may think Wole Soyinka
Who writes in form and pattern
I'm only a man of romantics
Who love to paint words and polish lines
Until it becomes flower verse

They are not cast on a stone,
Or like gold, tried...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 2 years ago
The Last Hour Preacher

I'm the last hour Preacher
The end time Teacher
And I speak to you O men
Who have eyes to see
Let them see
The signs of the sea

The waters rumbling
Nature grumbling
At wicked human actions
Nation war against nations
Nuclear missile fired...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 2 years ago
Zombie of the New World Order

Of what use is this strange therapy
that claims to make people happy
But doesn't prevent nor cure
Just a forced vaccination to ensure
A gene of this nomenclature
Is injected to alter the human nature

But is this the mark of the beast

by Benson Chukwueke

added 2 years ago
The Great Giraffe

A god has been born to us
But we didn't know
The wise men in the east saw the star
But didn't know
Didn’t the prophet foretell his coming
Didn’t an angel visit his mother
The mother who first felt the kick in her womb
The movement of a...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 years ago
Cold War

Now no exchange of gunfire
No bombshell razed the forest
All is quite and calm in the land
So quite as dead night
When we wrestle with heavyweights
In a fight to overcome our fears
A battle, unseen pains in our hearts
Only seen in the...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 years ago
Is this my country

Is this my country or is it hell
Is it the fire I must go through to live well
Living here in my fatherland
Living with an empty hand
Wallowing for not following
The diabolical wind billowing

Is this the pressure that push the weak to fall

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 years ago
Sambisa Is Death

For all men who seek adventure
Sambisa is Death
Hell is just a mile from this forest
The sun burn sulphur and brimstone
The flies, the obnoxious musicians
Hum repugnant songs into my ears

Sharia drums it so hard and loud
The law shall flog...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 years ago
Tremor in Serengeti

Suddenly, the earth began to tremble
As the lighting thunderbolts
The pounding boots of the rebel soldiers
Like hooves of surging wildebeests
Marching into the heart of our town

They have come to conscript our young men
They have come to...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 years ago
Lieutenant KANU

I saw him last with the infantry battalion
After the fall of Okigwe town
I saw him disappear with the Bandwagon
After Biafra raised the white flag
I saw his blood boiling hot
Forty years after the civil war
I saw him still singing the war song...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 years ago

Chameleon has not been known to keep it's colour
It would always speak with two tongues
The sweet tongues of a politician
Promising heaven on earth
Is only praying to steal our votes
After then, we can go to...

by Benson Chukwueke

added 3 years ago

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Who is the author of the poem "The Raven"?
A Robert Frost
B Edgar Allan Poe
C Langston Hughes
D Emily Dickinson