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"Numi" is the pen-name I adopted in 2007 after a friend gifted me a copy of The Essential Rumi; by Coleman Barks. After reading some of my works, it was suggested that it reminded them of the works by Rumi. In no way do I align myself with this Great Master Poet, but I do feel a deep connection to his poetry, and the book of Essentials was my constant companion during a 5 year saga, where I was stranded in the Amazon Jungle of Peru, from 2010-2015.
Submitted Poems 135 total
My Age and LoveThe older I get, the harder it is to maintain my hopeless romantic ideals. Scepticism is creeping in, especially over the last few years. I've always believed that true love was real, and possible. | 115 Views added 2 months ago | Rating |
My TherapistWriting, is now my last ditch therapy. My love, this love of my life, I have been waiting for patiently, evades me still. Now I am bearing witness to the beginning of the end. It's much too late now, to have what I could have been. The dream,... | 2 Views added 2 months ago | Rating |
EmptinessThe emptiness is so heavy at times, I struggle to wake, and am arthritic to rise. To blink my eyes, is a chore of its own. My smile takes everything I have to stretch my pouting lips wide. | 6 Views added 2 months ago | Rating |
More to SayWhat more could I possibly say about loneliness. About despair, anguish, and depression. Obsessed with my prison, the room only gets smaller. Light fades, and soon I will have nothing to write about, other than the cracks in the walls, and the smell... | 2 Views added 2 months ago | Rating |
To Die AloneThere are many ways of meeting death. We have become experts on the art of torturous murder. Science and technology have given us new reasons to experiment. But many of our current executioners are still in love with the Middle Ages. | 8 Views added 3 months ago | Rating |
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