Karlcfolkes's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by karlcfolkes  —  There are currently 452 poems total — keep up the great work!

Zeitgeist Spirit

Zoom in now on the nature of the Zeitgeist Spirit, a register of our state of being and our national spirit, individually and collectively; in all spaces of time, in all dimensions, and in all activities of our earthly lives.

Etched in our veins...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 day ago
Our Zeitgeist Culture: A Folkesgeist Meditation

The past, present and future of our zeitgeist culture is gleaned in our carbon footprints as free-will thinking evolutionary Homo sapiens.

As the world turns, globally and geologically, so does all humanity likewise turn. We live in an...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 17 days ago
We Are the Ticktock of the Universe

Consider this, my friend.
Reflect on it with great intention.
Our brain provides images
of what our mind imagines.

Our brain is therefore like a camera
whose lenses are the human eyes;
whose ears provide the audio feed
by which we hear.


by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 21 days ago
Unsere unbeugsame menschliche Beständigkeit

Warum wir als Menschen existieren:

Geboren, um die Sterne zu erben, ist das Wesen unserer Einzigartigkeit in der Galaxie unser unbesiegbare menschlicher Geist; unsere Präsenz und Beständigkeit als Homo sapiens im Milchstraßen-Universum.


by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 month ago
Our Indomitable Human Permanence

Each of us is a piece of time, measured out to all eternity. And no piece, no matter the cut or slice, is any larger or smaller in its entirety than the whole, whereof it constitutes the sum.
Each of us occupies a space in time, with our space and...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 month ago
The Thought That Lingers: Part Twelve

The passionate thought that lingers in my head
The ever lingering festering thought
Is that of knowing who I truly am
The corporeal me of flesh inhabiting a soul
The thought of why I’m here; and what I’m meant to be; and to become.

Beware ye...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 month ago
The Thought That Lingers: Part Eleven

The thought that lingers in our times
Is that of war; in times of peace
Wars of every culture
Wars of tribes, wars of nations
Wars too of religion.

Then there are wars of gender, wars of hatred
And there are always wars of passion

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 month ago
The Thought That Lingers: Part Ten

In pondering the fate of man
In the Betwixt and the Between
In pondering the thought that lingers yet
The thought of man who would be god
Let us return to the myth of Oedipus.

The myth of Oedipus reveals
Man’s warlike urge
A son slaying...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 month ago
The Thought That Lingers: Part Nine

This is the thought that lingers yet.
This is the ever burning thought.
Of man as Emperor of the World.
Surrendering his birthright heart of flesh.
For one whose luster is mere stone.

A wounded healer then is man.
O, what irony is man of...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 month ago
Where Gender Has Become Non Gendered

We now live in a machine age of people who, having once been created in the image of God, have become transmogrified into the image of robots.

 That is the new age of our modern technology, where we, as elders of a previous generation, as “The...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 2 months ago
The Power of Faith Anchored in Belief

People as Christians
have Faith, but lost in Belief.
Lost to the Unseen.
They worship what is Outer,
unmindful of the Inner.

So, while being lost,
we need to search within us,
where the Spirit dwells;
that which serves as Advocate,

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 3 months ago
Tao in Expression

Tao in expression
As “The Way”
Overwhelms human...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 3 months ago
The Substrate of Subjective Human Consciousness

A Poetic Claim: It is proposed that the entire cosmos as phenomena is suffused with galactic ‘awareness’ or consciousness; emerging initially as ‘Big Bang’ light out of primeval darkness; that is, revealing the dynamic elements of a process...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 3 months ago
The Illusory Nature of the Inner World

SELF at rest.

Leaving busy thoughts behind.

Entering a space where consciousness is not desired.

Experiencing an exoplanet inner world of newfound possibilities.

Programmed enigmatically by the archetypal collective...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
The Tao of Wholeness

There can be no way
but The Way of the Tao.
He who knows Tao,
no longer has need to search;
for he has found completion.

Completion unites
the divisions within us;
our opposing parts.
Those are “the ten thousand things”
that distract us...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
War Subtracts and Never Adds

The victors own the spoils of war.
The losers are the spoils.
In warfare even when there’s draw.
The human loss the soul recoils.

War subtracts and never adds.
Its aim is never life but death.
It targets lives of fighting lads.

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
A Truth Law

Violence gives rise
to violence, not justice.
That is a Truth Law.

So cease all warfare,
which is fostered by hatred,
not Brotherly...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
Senryu Satire

So much that waxes
from a tongue not sober, is
but idle prattle.

The tongue is a sword.
So wield it with much caution.
Or rather shield...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
The Intertwining of Good and Evil

In the world of living beings,
‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ are intertwined.
Each in intimate relationship with the other.

Each measured by the ‘strengths,’
And by the weaknesses of the other.
Each inclined unconsciously to the other’s nature.


by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
The Power of Christian Faith

Unseen, God exists.
That is how Christian Faith works.
With trust in Jesus.

Jesus is symbol
of unlimited power
of Christian Faith.

Faith removes mountains.
The obstacles in our lives.
Those seen or unseen.

This power of Faith

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
Winter Casts Her Wondrous Spell

Winter casts her wondrous spell.
Snowflakes falling o’er the dell.
Children hop and skip to tell.
The church padre at the knell.
That winter asks us not to pell.
Not to hurry for spring’s...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
The Transformative Power of Prayer

Placing one’s self faithfully day and night entirely in God’s hands

Rejoicing in all circumstances, the ‘good’ and even those that hinder

At peace with oneself and with one another, friend or foe

Yearning only to be selfless and...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
The Hidden Power of Human Beliefs

One man by his proofs anchors his beliefs.
Another by his faith solidifies his beliefs.
The first man calls himself a fact finder.

The second man finds facts to be of human construction.
Temporary and ever changing, like the four seasons of...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 4 months ago
Nature’s Heavenly Rainbow

Nature is as nature is, without judgment.
Mankind is as mankind is, full of judgment.
Nature sows and mankind reaps.
The one as giver and the other as receiver.

Nature gives without expectation of recompense.
Mankind receives and remains in...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 5 months ago
The Thought That Lingers: Part Eight

The thought that lingers concerns the human mind.
How, as humans, we are all storytellers.
As scribes of our imagination, we actively keep records of our experiences.
Recording them, whether on cave walls, on cuneiform, clay tablets, papyri or,...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 5 months ago
The Co-Existence of Two Strange Bedfellows

This is a paradoxical existential story.
As old as Time, as new as the breaking dawn.
About two distempered relatives.
Seemingly different, yet oh so peculiarly familiar.

Because of a common heritage.
Having been spawned by celestial realms.

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 6 months ago
The Metaphysical State of Modern Man

Faith, Hope, Peace and Love.
August doctrine of the metaphysician.
A Pauline healer of the human soul.
In quest of divine love and salvation.

To leave no human being behind.
As an island entire unto himself.
But to have us all as continental...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 7 months ago
Hatikvah: The Hope of the Star of David

In the Star of David
Dwells the Holy Father
In his eternal sacred residence
With the longing of the Holy Spirit
For the precious return of his Children
And the triumphant entry of his Beloved
His Only Son to restore all mankind to...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 7 months ago
Humility in Success

Success can be a lovely thing,
if you make it your servant;
and not your own master.
So make it serve you,
by your humility;
not you serve it,
by your...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 7 months ago
Warfare Source: Distempers of the Human Mind


Behold, how war and peace are so aligned.
Haply appearing sometimes as comedy.
At other times to sadly all remind;
there’s sometimes joy and often tragedy;
specter of death leaving some maligned.

Consider this our human fault:

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 7 months ago
Our Inherent Uniqueness

Each of us is a piece of time;
measured out to all eternity.
And no piece;
no matter the cut or slice,
is any larger or smaller in its entirety
than the whole;
whereof it constitutes the...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 8 months ago
The Strident Chant of Freedom



“Composers, singers, poets, musicians:
Restore us to be whole, you artists.
Instill in us sweet melody.
O restore us, you musicians.
Restore us with sweet sounding symphony.

Let freedom...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 8 months ago
Be Ye Lifted Up!

By the Grace of God we’re all saved.
Returned to wholeness from brokenness.
A wretched soul that each of us is.
Notwithstanding, he watches over us.
Dispensing healing by his mighty powers.
Overlooking all our weaknesses.
Not focusing on our...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 8 months ago
The Immeasurable Measure of Alchemical Measure

“Double, double, toil and trouble.
Let our passions burn and bubble.
From this dust and soil of stubble.
Cleanse us now of all the rubble.”

The value of metaphysical poetry
is immeasurable;
beyond any human estimate or gauge.

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 9 months ago
Gibran’s ‘River’ Courses Our Lives

The River Cannot Go Back: A Parable

“The River Cannot Go Back,”
declared once the mystic and poet,
Lebanese-American Kahlil Gibran.
author of “The Prophet,” a dreamer.

By observing the movements of rivers,
this mystic and poet, this...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 9 months ago
The Power and Majesty of Poetry

“All the world’s a stage,”
the Bard emphatically declared.
“And all the men and women…
merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances.
And one man in his time plays many parts…
His acts being seven ages…”

We, all of us, like...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 9 months ago
Poetry as Art of the Soul

Reflecting on art,
while reflecting on his own life,
Swiss psychiatrist,
the eminent Carl Gustav Jung,
expressed this of poetry:

“Poets create from
the very depths of
the Collective Unconscious,
voicing aloud what others dream.”

This he...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 9 months ago
The Co-interdependence of Life Forms

In all of Life’s forms
the unconscious state is primary.
At state of one’s ‘birth’
it ‘materializes,’
transformed into ‘consciousness.’

Life is a cycle,
operating in two states:
The ‘Potential’ state,
as potential energy,
existing in...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 10 months ago
Summoned or not God is Ever Present

God’s dwelling place is everywhere.
And everywhere is God’s dwelling place.
We cannot escape God.
The architect of our consciousness.

Since for mankind God is omniscient,
our conscience in all its varied forms
must be God’s innermost...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 10 months ago
The Divine Numinous Unconscious

We meet the Divine
encountering our unconscious.
We make our choices
facing the Adversary
while encountering the Good.

That is Genesis
of all human religions.
The unconscious realm
providing the impetus
for spiritual values.

A supreme...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 10 months ago
He Alone is Without Blemish

Holding on to the opposites.
Body merging with the Spirit.
That is the hope for humankind.
Ever seeking after wholeness.

There came one modeling perfection.
The Sacrificial Lamb of God.
Fully as man and fully God.
He alone is without...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 10 months ago
Our Genesis and Revelation

The biblical tale of Adam (Mankind) and Eve (Human Life) is the classical universal tale of the historically flawed life of humanity, of Homo Sapiens and how, through repentant admission and confession of that innate malady, mankind, while...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 11 months ago
The Politics of Crime and Punishment

Congressional politics.
Devoid of ethics.
Is the politics of crime.
A human illness.
And crime that goes unpunished.

Congressional politics.
Gone sadly adrift.
Merely for sake of egos.
And for pompous righteousness.

Egos gone amok.

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago
The Maternal Bond of Nature

The maternal bond
is unlike any other;
‘tween mother and child.
So umbilically tied;
and can never be severed.

Nature upholds,
with numerous examples:
A human mother…
caressing her new-born child;
a twinkling spark in both eyes.


by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago
The Carolean Era of King Charles The Third

All the world witnessed
The coronation of Charles;
On the sixth of May.

A ceremony
In Westminster Abbey.
Twenty Twenty Three.

By bishops ordained
As head of church and of state;
By ritual crowned.

As divine ruler.
Head of the Church...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago
The Thought of Fixity and Movement

Transfix yourselves on the thought
of fixity and movement.
I hope you’re moved by...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago
DAO Affirms Wholeness

Unmanifest DAO affirms the truth
that wholeness is of oneness.
Ten thousand things just manifest
the nature of that Oneness.

Made of flesh that has a soul,
man sees himself divided.
“Soul and body are not two things.
They’re one; always...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago
The DAO of Fixity and Movement

Fixity and movement
are akin to time and space;
energy kinetic and potential.

Now resting, now acting,
The coupling of time and space,
in infinite pose of dancing.

Yin-yang motion of energy,
in rhythmic cyclic dancing;
DAO coupling of...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago
The Thought That Lingers: Part Seven

The thought that lingers, will not rest,
of man, and of man’s true nature.
Man outwards bent, resisting inwards,
the source of his true nature.

Not finding clarity without,
man fears turning inwards towards Self;
the healing Self he must...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago
The Thought That Lingers: Part Six

The search for wholeness is the search
of modern man; the quest,
to regain knowledge of the Divine Self;
and remove his Edenic stain; his blemish.

To become a faithful child of God
in a Promised Land, with hope renewed;
to benefit from grace...

by Karl Constantine FOLKES

added 1 year ago

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Are you a poetry master?

The use of words and phrases to create mental images and evoke sensory experiences is called _______.
A metaphor
B personification
C imagery
D symbolism