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Thrifted Dreams

The heat of an LA summer drips through her screen,
golden and wild, a fever dream.
She watches the sky melt into pink,
sunset pooling...

Mahnoor Asif

added by imborinchoi
3 days ago
Cleaning windows

As i cleaned my little place
I thought about my mental space
Wet and rainy, yes outside
My feelings thus, i sometimes hide

Here i...


added by DragonSlayer99
3 days ago
Disposition, Deviation and Retrospection

Though the shipwrecks
Cos we were stiff-necks.
Getting to the eventful shore,
features a vengeful carnivore.

Though a test of our...

Jide Alabi

added by tolulopeolajidealabi
3 days ago
Phantom Verses for a Silent Quill

But lo, the night musters forth its shroud,
No tempest sways, yet restless hearts cry loud.
The creeping chill o’ertakes the smothered...

K. Stan Tinos

added by G.George
3 days ago
walking thru hell,

In steel and stone, where shadows creep,
A world where time forgets to leap.
A cage of shame, a heavy price,
For sins committed, rolled...

noel j potter jr, ( ketewa_knight),

added by shadowdemon1984
3 days ago
Sleeping Beauty Revisited

Number 6 in a series of 7. They are best read in order. This one is 100 lines long.

Sleeping Beauty Revisited

Sleeping Beauty woke...

Phil Maund

added by philmaund
3 days ago
Geometry Arrow

In a world of trials, sharp and bright,
A sleek arrow dances, swift as light.
Zigzagging through paths so tight,
Dodging obstacles with...

Geometry Arrow

added by lindah.78453
3 days ago
The Longest Road I Know

The Longest Road I Know

By Jay C Anderson III

As I've journeyed through my life,
I have travelled many roads.
Gone up and down a...

Jay C Anderson III

added by jayc.76987
3 days ago
Calm Before The Storm

This is the calm before the
storm, a quiet not to be
confused with peace.

Silence is a lull between the
battles; the shooting...

Gary B. Dean

added by gary_dean
3 days ago
A Cry Against Indecency

Oh, indecency what ruin you have sown!
Once, this world trembled before the Almighty,
once, men and women clothed themselves in honor,

Christen Kuikoua

added by christenkuikoua.official
3 days ago
When and Then

When lonely days turn to empty nights,

And pain and sorrows turn to endless frights,

When your shining smile turns to just a blank...

Danny Feador

added by Dannyfe
3 days ago
Then why ask?

If you know more than I do
If I’m always wrong
If nothing that I say is true
Then why ask?

If what I think is best
Is not
If what...

Benjamin Ramos

added by mister_b
3 days ago
Momma's 42

Your very special to me, you mean a lot,
Now it's your birthday, you're on the spot.

Having your birthday don't make you old,

Lori Leland

added by loril.031561
3 days ago

I never knew what to fill the spaces with
Sometimes I didn't even see them
They were disguised under many coats
With hidden pockets of...

Allen Ansell

added by Allena
3 days ago
A Pale Flicker of A Spark

My roaring flame burns too fiercely
for someone like you—who has consciously,
disgustingly been trying
to love a pale...

ida ayu tania

added by idaayutania
3 days ago
So There's This Man...

How can the man be so worried about me,
When he's the one that's
About to leave?
You think a closed door will scare me? I'm well aware...

Stephanie Patuleia

added by Unnamed19s
3 days ago
The Final Call of Purity

The scars carved in the ribs of time,
Dripping like drops of blood into the veins of history,
Every breath poisoned by the sting of...

Azahar Raza

added by azaharraza
3 days ago

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    C 31 syllables in five lines
    D 50 syllables in 7 lines