Analysis of Deprivation

In the realm of slumber, you will not find me there.
It's one of many burdens; this deprivation.
My mind is in constant motion, filled with contemplation.
Dreams are slowly fading.
Replaced with nightmares; too lucid to comprehend.
A stutter of a single breath.
Temperature running hot like fire; yet I am laying here frozen.
Dry ice under a summer's sun. An unbalanced fever.
In the realm of slumber, I am forbidden to enter.
A peaceful place; a voidless aspiration.
Vertigo seems inevitable.
Life plays out like a flicker book.
Microsleep at its finest, photo by photo like a view finder.
I dream, and I dream, but it's only daydreams.
A spaced out insomniac; yet I am wide awake.
Lead me to the place I want to wander.
In this realm of slumber,
I will only sleep but an hour....

Poetic Form
Metre 001110111111 11110101010 1110101011010 111010 111110101 01010101 10010111011110110 11100101101010 00111011100110 010101010 10101000 11110101 1111011110110 1101111101 011010111101 1110111110 011110 111011110
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 781
Words 157
Sentences 18
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 18
Lines Amount 18
Letters per line (avg) 34
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 606
Words per stanza (avg) 140

About this poem

This one is about sleep deprivation.

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Written on October 04, 2022

Submitted by Arx7Echo on November 05, 2022

Modified on March 05, 2023

48 sec read

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    "Deprivation" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. <>.

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