Analysis of The Unnoticed Viable Seed

At that far end of her building site,

She notices one worker in particular.

He is middle-aged, with a skinny dark body scarred with years of struggles.

As he mounts four cement blocks on the head,

and stretches out for the fifth,

Her heart bleeds and she staggers back in trepidation.

He may be working there since morning;

Continually lifting those lifeless things to a mason five stairs up.

Sadly, with no degree, no soft skill, no trade and many more,

He has to trust each minute for strength to push on,

To fight his world with sweats, blood, muscles and bones.

And recalling his famished and troubled home:

Seven hungry kids from different wombs hoping for his return,

And three wives fed up with the hardships and stepping out for good,

He gives up on the loads and kicks them off in agony,

With torrent of sweats snaking down his torn dirty T-shirt.

She, the viable seed he unnoticed some years back draws closer,

“Oh Daddy! Quit and better life with these notes.”,

She hands him a fat envelope, pouring out to him the pains of his premiere wife.

And discovering the giver, the premiere seed from his premiere wife,

He stutters out his blessing, his stony face shedding tears for forgiveness.

Oh Lord, the unnoticed viable seed prays not picturing the bitter past:

Days when that man had all the golds and voice untampered with,

And that cold night, when he chose a naughty girl over her refined mum,

With each night seeing the latter off with blames and punches over her untrusted womb,

And abandoning her to feed the unnoticed viable seed in the wild street.

Scheme X A X X B X X X X X X X X X X X A X C C X X B X X X
Poetic Form
Metre 111110101 110011000100 111011010110111110 1111011101 0101101 011011010010 111101110 010001011011010111 101101111110101 111111011111 11111111001 00101100101 1010111001101101 011111010010111 11110101110100 11011101111011 1010011010111110 11010101111 1110110101110111011 00100010001111011 110111011011011010 1100101001111000101 111111010111 01111110101100011 1111001011101010011 00100011001010010011
Closest metre Iambic heptameter
Characters 1,601
Words 332
Sentences 11
Stanzas 26
Stanza Lengths 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Lines Amount 26
Letters per line (avg) 48
Words per line (avg) 11
Letters per stanza (avg) 48
Words per stanza (avg) 11
Font size:

Written on April 29, 2023

Submitted by agbesikofiderrick795 on April 30, 2023

Modified on April 30, 2023

1:39 min read

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    "The Unnoticed Viable Seed" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 22 Feb. 2025. <>.

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