Analysis of LI GALOPPINI (The Scroungers)

Jeri, a la Pulinara, un colleggiale
Doppo fatta una predica in todesco,
Setacciò tutt'er popolo in du' sale,
E a la ppiù mejo vorze dà er rifresco.

In quella fece entracce er Cardinale
Co l'amichi der Micco e ppadron Fiesco;
E nell'antra la gente duzzinale
Che viaggia cor caval de san Francesco.

Pe sta sala che qui de li spedati
Comincionno a ppassà li cammorieri
Pieni de sottocoppe de gelati.

Ma che! a la sala delli cavajeri
Un cazzo ciarrivò: ché st'affamati
Se sparinno inzinenta li bicchieri.

Yesterday, at St.Apollinare College, a collegiate
After giving a lecture in German,
Divided all the people into two rooms,
And to the most respectable ones offered refreshments.

He let in one room the Cardinal
Together with Micco's and master Fieschi's friends;
And in the other one the cheap people
Who travel on foot.

Through the room in which the 'walkers' were
Waiters began to pass
Carrying lots of ice-cream cups.

But alas! to the gentlemen's room
Nothing arrived, as these spongers
swept away even the glasses.

Poetic Form
Metre 1001111 1110101 1101011 101111101 011100010 1111111 11111 111111010 111011111 10111 11111 11011011 11111 11111 1011100010 1010010010 01010100111 01010100110010 110110100 0101101011 0001010110 11011 101010100 100111 10011111 10110101 1001111 10110010
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 1,040
Words 177
Sentences 12
Stanzas 8
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3
Lines Amount 28
Letters per line (avg) 29
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 101
Words per stanza (avg) 22
Font size:

Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

55 sec read

Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli

 · 1791 · Rome

Giuseppe Francesco Antonio Maria Gioachino Raimondo Belli was an Italian poet, famous for his sonnets in Romanesco, the dialect of Rome. more…

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