Analysis of I Was Drowning in His Laughter

I was a mermaid drowning
in his laughter,
A sea of warmth where
I sought my refuge,
But his eyes, they danced with
another's rapture,
While I remained a silent,
wistful muse.

His smile, a beacon,
shone so brightly,
Guiding my heart through
shadowed tides,
Yet he never saw me
watching nightly,
Yearning for the love
he never provides.

His joy, a melody,
sweet and fleeting,
Filled my world with
a tender ache,
But in his dreams,
I found no meeting,
Only in my reveries
did my heart awake.

So I swam in oceans
of silent sorrow,
My love, a secret
he’d never know,
For his smile was borrowed,
never to follow,
The mermaid's heart
in the undertow.

Poetic Form
Metre 110110 0110 01111 11110 111111 01010 1101010 101 11010 1110 10111 101 111011 1010 10101 11001 110100 1010 1111 0101 1011 11110 1001100 11101 111010 11010 11010 1101 11111 10110 011 0010
Closest metre Iambic dimeter
Characters 664
Words 152
Sentences 4
Stanzas 4
Stanza Lengths 8, 8, 8, 8
Lines Amount 32
Letters per line (avg) 16
Words per line (avg) 4
Letters per stanza (avg) 125
Words per stanza (avg) 30

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for C.

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Submitted by deadpoetemily on June 28, 2024

46 sec read

Ece Karadag

 · Edirne

Ece Karadag is a History of Art major student who loves writing poems. She wants to be a professor or a poet, or whatever, but she cannot decide. She published her first poetry book, "Lachrymose: The Tears of Wednesday" using her pen name, Emily Birdwhistle. more…

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    "I Was Drowning in His Laughter" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. <>.

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