Analysis of The blind man - Free verse

Long long ago down memory lane
A man played the sweetest music,
And it seems like only yesterday
That his enchanting melodies
Captivated so many.
Each evening he would be there
At the same corner of the town square,
No one minded him there
He had come to be an attraction.
And he would play his barrel-organ
With much passion throughout the whole evening.
People would come to listen and sing along,
They loved his music,sometimes it was a little loud
But mostly soft and romantic.
His head seemed to move with the sound of the waiters
As they shuffled around clinking glasses,
And filling them with wine.
The smell of cigarettes and cigar smoke
Floated in the warm evening air,
And whilst folks sang along to the melodies he was playing
He would raise his hand and wave.
They would throw him coins as he played
And he would bow his head in thanks,
Now and again he would smile and nod
As he heard couples dancing,
For he had known love but was now alone.
And now and again a tear would roll down his face,
For this now was his life his only happiness,
Grateful he was to be part of the happy crowd.
And not perhaps so melancholy,
Consumed as he was, by the air of romance.

20-10-12.               Tj Hatton.

Poetic Form
Metre 110111001 01101010 01111010 11010100 100110 1101111 101101011 111011 111111010 011111010 1110010110 10111100101 1111110101 11010010 111111011010 111001110 010111 011010011 10001101 011101101001110 1111101 11111111 01111101 100111101 1111010 1111111101 010010111111 111111110100 101111110101 01011100 01111101101 110
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 1,211
Words 225
Sentences 12
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 31, 1
Lines Amount 32
Letters per line (avg) 30
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 473
Words per stanza (avg) 119
Font size:

Submitted on January 02, 2013

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:07 min read

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    "The blind man - Free verse" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. <>.

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