Analysis of This night rain!

Thrill me in your verse
As you wet my leaking roof
Like i'm left to mourn alone
In coldness of the night

Your terrific sound,ignites my dream
That pecks the pebbles on my way
But chill me to a home
Only in the silence of this night rain.

Poetic Form ~Double Dactyl 
Metre 11011 1111101 1111101 010101 1010111 11010111 111101 1000101111
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 230
Words 49
Sentences 1
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 4, 4
Lines Amount 8
Letters per line (avg) 23
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 94
Words per stanza (avg) 24
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Submitted by Bossmanas on May 08, 2015

Modified on March 05, 2023

15 sec read

Dumka Vincent

I am a lover of poem.I love to read and write and my first letter was addressed to my headmaster,requested that he assist my mother to pay off my school exammination fee.At the age 6 years,I had already started writing my short story books.But though,some life experiences had also contributed towards my continuous effort to face the challenges of life.I had written series of prose,articles andwith my little experienced poetry is part of my whole life,when I sing in poetry,speak in poetry,settle scores in poetry,discuss in poetry etc.My dedication towards poetry out of my utmost concern is to be Known for my credibility,participatory efforts in my personal achievement and divine from God.Poetry is part of my life.May live on (Dumka Richard Vincent.L more…

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