Analysis of Would You?

I'm speaking of desperation

of how you left me in confusion.

I ask in a dire momment

I ask would you?

Would you date me if I was the guy in your dreams

what if I told you people arn't what they seam.

Would you hug me and kiss me?

Until I come to self realization of ectasy,

until we grow old and we right down the best remedy's

but I know you'll never love me

like you love others

I feel like a caged bird never to be free

is this misery?

So I ask again would you?

If I was the person that fit your description

and I was more then fiction

would you marry me and take me on a honey moon

would you? I only ask you this because as we speak

I'm taking my final breaths and my trigger finger is itchin.

Scheme A A X B C X D C C D X D D B A A X X A
Poetic Form
Metre 1101010 111110010 110011 1111 111111101011 111111011111 1111011 011111101011 011110111011 11111011 11110 11101110111 11100 1110111 111010111010 0111110 1110101110101 1111011101111 110110101101011
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 708
Words 149
Sentences 9
Stanzas 19
Stanza Lengths 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Lines Amount 19
Letters per line (avg) 28
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 28
Words per stanza (avg) 8
Font size:

Submitted by Akioyamoto on March 29, 2014

Modified on March 05, 2023

46 sec read

akio yamoto

I started writing when I was 17 and am currently 19 I'm writing for everyone to enjoy and to express my feelings hope yall like em. more…

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