Madeleine Quinn's Poems Page #4

Here's the list of poems submitted by Madeleine Quinn  —  There are currently 336 poems total — keep up the great work!

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Song - Oh, you cannot prove false to me, my love

Oh, you cannot prove false to me, my love,
  Think how I have confided in thee,
I have prized thy love all else above,
  Oh, you cannot be false to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Stanzas - When should lovers breathe their vows?

"And while the moon reigns cold above,
Oh, warm below reign thou, my love,
  And endless raptures reign with thee." — Lit....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Oh! cold are thy slumbers, and low is thy grave,
Above it one cypress shall mournfully wave;
No flowers shall flourish around thy death shrine,—
Their bloom would but mock such a dark sleep as thine.
The pale stone overhead, the sod of dank green,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Lily of the Valley

"A fair young face—yet mournful in its youth—
Brooding above sad...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Immolation of a Hindoo Widow

Gather her raven hair in one rich cluster,
Let the white champac light it, as a star
Gives to the dusky night a sudden lustre,
⁠ Shining afar.

Shed fragrant oils upon her fragrant bosom,
Until the breathing air around grows sweet;

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Hindoo Mother

She leaves it to the sacred stream,
  She leaves it to the tide,
Her little child—her darling one,
  And she has none...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Caves of Elephanta

"These celebrated Caves are situated in the beautiful island of their own name. It is composed of two hills, with a narrow valley between them. Ascending the narrow path where the two hills are knit together, there lies below the superb...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Windleshaw Abbey

Mark you not yon sad procession,
  'Mid the ruin'd abbey's gloom,
Hastening to the worm's possession,
  To the dark and silent...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Mardale Head

Why should I seek these scenes again, the past
⁠Is on yon valley like a shroud?

Weep for the love that fate forbids,
  Yet loves unhoping on,
Though every light that once illumed
  Its early path be...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Silent Multitude

"No conversation,
No joyful tread of friends, no voice of lovers,
No careful father's counsel; nothing's heard,
Nor nothing is, but all oblivion,
Dust and an endless darkness."...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
Raphael Sanzio

This celebrated Italian was essentially the painter of beauty. Of the devotion with which he sought its inspiration in its presence, a remarkable instance is recorded. He either could not or would not paint without the presence of his lovely...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Chapter-House, Furness Abbey

The following lines are a translation of an exquisite epistle addressed by St. Beuve to A. Fontenay. It applies very aptly to the fine old Abbey, whose ruins seem the very ideal of the poet's...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
St. Knighton's Kieve

Silent and still was the haunted stream,
Feeble and faint was the moon's pale beam,
And the wind that whispered the waving bough
Was like the sound of some godless...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Scene in Bundelkhund

She sat beneath the palm-tree, as the night
Came with a purple shadow on the day,
Which died away in hues of crimson shades,
Blushes and tears. The wind amid the reeds,
The long green reeds, sung mournfully, and shook
Faint blossoms on the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Caldron Snout.—Westmorland

A place of rugged rocks, adown whose sides
The mountain torrent rushes; on whose crags
The raven builds her nest, and tells her young
Of former funeral feasts.
  ⁠*⁠ * ⁠* ⁠* ⁠* ⁠* ...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Cottage Courtship

Now, out upon this smiling,
  No smile shall meet his sight;
And a word of gay reviling
  Is all he'll hear to-night,
For he'll hold my smiles too lightly,
  If he always sees me smile;
He'll think they shine more brightly
  When I have...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Cup of Circe

Sketches from Designs by Mr. Dagley.
Sketch the Third.

"All have drank of the cup of the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Wind

The Wind has a language, I would I could learn:
Sometimes 'tis soothing, and sometimes 'tis stern,
—Sometimes it comes like a low sweet song,
And all things grow calm, as the sound floats along,
And the forest is lull'd by the dreamy strain,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Golden Grave

He sleeps within his lonely grave
  Upon the lonely hill,
There sweeps the wind—there swells the wave—
  All other sounds are still.
And strange and mournfully sound they;
  Each seems a funeral cry,
O'er life that long has past away,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Forsaken

I dreamed a dream, that I had flung a chain
Of roses around Love,—I woke, and found
I had chained Sorrow. ⁠L. E....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Little Red Riding Hood


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Palace Called Beautiful

"He lifted up his eyes, and behold there was a very stately palace before him, the name of which was 'Beautiful'. Looking very narrowly before him as he went, he espied two lions in the way."—Pilgrim's...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Oh! if thou wilt not give thine heart

Oh! if thou wilt not give thine heart,
  Give back my own to me,
For if in thine I have no part,
  Why should mine dwell with...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
New Year's Eve

There is no change upon the air,
  No record in the sky;
No pall-like storm comes forth to shrowd
  The year about to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Meeting of Wallace and Bruce on the Banks of the Carron

The morn rose bright on scenes renown'd,
Wild Caledonia's classic ground,
Where the bold sons of other days
Won their high fame in Ossian's lays,
And fell—but not till Carron's tide
With Roman blood was darkly dyed.
The morn rose bright—and...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
The Flower of the Desert

"Who does not recollect the exultation of Vaillant over a flower in the torrid wastes of Africa?—The affecting mention of the influence of a flower upon his mind, by Mungo Park, in a time of suffering and despondency, in the heart of the same...

by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

added 4 years ago
Carrick-a-Rede, Ireland

He dwelt amid the gloomy rocks,
  A solitary man;
Around his home on every side,
  The deep salt waters ran.
The distant ships sailed far away,
  And o’er the moaning wave
The sea-birds swept, with pale white wings,
  As phantoms haunt the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Song - Are other eyes beguiling, Love?

Are other eyes beguiling, Love?
Are other rose-lips smiling, Love?
Ah, heed them not; you will not find
Lips more true, or eyes more kind,
Than mine,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Six Songs of Love, Constancy, Romance, Inconstancy, Truth, and Marriage

Oh! yet one smile, tho' dark may lower
Around thee clouds of woe and ill,
Let me yet feel that I have power,
Mid Fate's bleak storms, to soothe thee...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

The thought suggested by a Spanish saying.



by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

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