Madeleine Quinn's Poems Page #8

Here's the list of poems submitted by Madeleine Quinn  —  There are currently 336 poems total — keep up the great work!

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The Disturbing Spirit

Doubt, despairing, crime, and craft,
Are upon that honied shaft.
It has made the crowned king
Crouch beneath his suffering;
Made the beauty's cheek more pale
Than the foldings of her veil:
Like a child the soldiers kneel,
Who had mocked at flame or...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

I tell thee death were far more merciful
Than such a blow. It is death to the heart;
Death to its first affections, its sweet hopes;
The young religion of its guileless faith.
Henceforth the well is troubled at the spring;
The waves run clear no...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Views of Life

We tremble even in our happiness;
Hurried and dim, the unknown hours press
Heavy with care or grief, that none may ever guess.

The future is more present than the past:
For one look back a thousand on we cast,
And Hope doth ever Memory...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Thubare, a Port on the Arabian Coast

THOU lovely port of Araby,
Of Araby the blest,
I think of the time, when thy summer clime,
Was bright on my midnight rest;
And the gates uprose, which at evening close.
Lest they harbour forbidden guest.
Oh! I must let my thoughts go back,
O’er the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Treryn Castle

A MONARCH, who had lost his crown,
As crowns have been so often lost,
By kindred treachery, or worse,
The price his own fond blindness cost,
Methinks were fitting guest to be
Alone, thou rugged scene, with thee;
Magnificent, yet desolate,
In harmony...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Sarnat, a Boodh Monument

DIM faith of other times, when earth was young,
And eager in belief; when men were few,
And felt their nothingness; not then elate
With numbers, science, and the victories
Which history registers o’er vanquished time.
For time is vanquished by...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
A First Disappointment

The deep, the long, the dreaming hours,
  That I have past with thee,
When thou hadst not a single thought
  Of how thou wert with...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Life Surveyed

Not in a close and bounded atmosphere
Does life put forth its noblest and its best;
'Tis from the mountain's top that we look forth,
And see how small the world is at our feet.
There the free winds sweep with unfettered wing;
There the sun rises...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Dear Gifts

Life's best gifts are bought dearly. Wealth is won
By years of toil, and often comes too late:
With pleasure comes satiety ; and pomp
Is compassed round with vexing vanities :
And genius, earth's most glorious gift, that lasts
When all beside is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Mind's Unrest

Mind, dangerous and glorious gift!
Too much thy native heaven has left
Its nature in thee, for thy light
To be content with earthly home.
It hath another, and its sight
Will too much to that other roam ;
And heavenly light, and earthly clay,
But ill...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Love's Ending

And this, then, is love's ending. It is like
The history of some fair southern clime :
Hot fires are in the bosom of the earth,
And the warmed soil puts forth its thousand flowers,
Its fruits of gold — summer's regality ;
And sleep and odours float...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

WHERE are they bound, those gallant ships,
That here at anchor lie,
Now quiet as the sleeping birds,
Beneath a summer sky ?

Their white wings droop, their shadows rest,
Unbroken on the deep,
As if the airy elements
Had their own hour of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Tomb of Mohomed Shah

WHAT do they call a happy end,
How did the monarch die ?
The purple for his winding sheet,
His courtiers standing by ;
A shadow upon every brow,
A tear in every...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Collegiate Church, Manchester

DIM, thro’ the sculptured aisles the sun-beam falls
More like a dream
Of some imagined beam,
Than actual daylight over mortal...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

Fear not to trust her destiny with me:
I can remember, in my early youth,
Wandering amid our old ancestral woods,
I found an unfledged dove upon the ground.
I took the callow creature to my care,
And fain had given it to its nest again:
That could...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Bridal Flowers

Bind the white orange-flowers in her hair,
Soft be their shadow, soft and somewhat pale—
For they are omens. Many anxious years
Are on the wreath that bends the bridal...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Gentleness Pictured

A gentle creature was that girl,
Meek, humble, and subdued;
Like some lone flower that has grown up
In woodland...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

Bring from the east, bring from the west,
Flowers for the hair, gems for the vest ;
Bring the rich silks that are shining with gold,
Wrought in rich broidery on every...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Dangers Faced

My heart is filled with bitter thought,
My eyes would fain shed tears;
I have been thinking upon past,
And upon future...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Wrongs of Love

Alas, how bitter are the wrongs of love
Life has no other sorrow so acute :
For love is made of every fine emotion,
Of generous impulses, and noble thoughts ;
It looketh to the stars, and dreams of Heaven ;
It nestles 'mid the flowers, and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Queen of Portugal

Young daughter of a race of kings,
Is there no crown for thee,
The blood that feeds thy being springs
From hoar antiquity.
And many are the legends told
Of thy proud house in days of old.
Methinks ’tis hard to be
A wanderer, rifled of thy own,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Lord and Lady Derby

The times are peaceful, and we know
No unsheathed sword, no bended bow;
No more upon the quiet night
Flashes the beacon’s sudden light,
No more the vassals in the hall
Start at the trumpet’s fiery call;
And undisturbed the ivy wreath
Hangs o'er the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
St. Michael's Mount

The romantic Castle of St Michael's, situated upon a lofty insulated hill, in Mount's Bay, is the theme of many a Cornish legend; the most prevalent supposes that their ‘long-lost Arthur’ resides there, under the immediate guardianship of the...

by Anonymous

added 8 years ago
Lismore Castle

How calmly, Lismore, do thy battlements rise
  O'er the light woods around thee, whose changing leaves quiver,
As the sad wind of Autumn, with fitful gust sighs,
  And mingles its voice with the rush of the...

by Anonymous

added 8 years ago
The City of Delhi

Thou glorious city of the East, of old enchanted times,
When the fierce Genii swayed all Oriental climes,
I do not ask from history a record of thy fame,
A fairy page has stamped for me thy consecrated...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Giant's Causeway

They met beside the stormy sea, those giant kings of old,
And on each awful brow was set, a crown of burning gold.
No ray the yet unrisen stars, or the wan moonbeams, gave,
But far and bright, the meteor light shone over cloud and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Jumma Musjid. - The Principal Mosque at Agra

Yon mosque alone remains to tell,
How glorious once did Agra rise,
When gilded roof and pinnacle
Met morning half-way in the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Valley of Rocks - Near Linton, Devonshire

This valley is bounded by huge naked rocks, piled one upon the other, and resembling extensive ruins : vast fragments overspread the ground, and exhibit on every side awful vestiges of convulsion and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The House in which Roscoe was Born

A LOWLY roof, an English farm-house roof—
What is the train of thought that it should wake ?
Why cheerful evenings, when the winter cold
Grows glad beside the hearth ; or summer days,
When round the shady porch the woodbine clings;
Some aged man...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
El Wuish

El Wuish a small harbour on the Arabian coast of the Red Sea. The intricacies of a great and almost unbroken extent of coral reefs, renders the navigation rather difficult, and extremely tedious. The boatmen often beguile the night by singing. The...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

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