Madeleine Quinn's Poems Page #6

Here's the list of poems submitted by Madeleine Quinn  —  There are currently 336 poems total — keep up the great work!

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My heart hath turned aside
From its early dreams ;
To me their course has been
Like mountain streams.

Bright and pure they left
Their place of birth ;
Soon on every wave
Came taints of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Small Miseries

Life's smallest miseries are, perhaps, its worst :
Great sufferings have great strength : there is a pride
In the bold energy that braves the worst,
And bears proud in the bearing ; but the heart
Consumes with those small sorrows, and small...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Coronation

What memories haunt the venerable pile !
It is the mighty treasury of the past,
Where England garners up her glorious dead.
The ancient chivalry are sleeping there —
Men who sought out the Turk in Palestine,
And laid the crescent low before the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Coquette

She danced upon the waters,
  Beneath the morning sun,
Of all old Ocean’s daughters
  The very fairest one.
An azure zone comprest her
  Round her white and slender side,
For her gallant crew had drest her
  Like a beauty and a...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The River of the Water of Life


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
St. Mawgan Church and Lanhern Nunnery, Cornwall

The old Mansion of Lanhern belonged to the Lords Arundell, of Wardour. It was given in 1794 by Henry Eighth, Lord Arundell, as an asylum for a convent of English Theresian nuns, who had migrated from Antwerp, in consequence of the invasion of the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Orphan Ballad Singers

O, WEARY, weary are our feet,
  And weary, weary is our way ;
Through many a long and crowded street
  We’ve wandered mournfully to-day.
My little sister she is pale;
  She is too tender and too young
To bear the autumn’s sullen gale,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Honister Crag, Cumberland

In this wild and picturesque glen a skirmish took place between the Elliotts and the Graemes, in which the young leader of the Scottish clan was slain, though his party were victorious. They buried him in an opening on the hillside ; and every...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Hindoo and Mahommedan Buildings

THE Engraving represents a splendid sculptured Portico of a Temple dedicated to Mahadeo, at Moondheyra in Guzerat. This elaborate and magnificent specimen of the best age of Hindoo architecture, has been in ruins since the invasion of Alla o Deen,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Sassoor, in the Deccan

THE plate represents a temple to Mahadeo, surrounded by inferior shrines. The Hindoos usually place some religious building at the confluence of two streams : and when the accompanying view was taken, there were some cultivated gardens, and groves...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Etty's Rover

Thou lovely and thou happy child,
Ah, how I envy thee !
I should be glad to change our state,
If such a thing might be.

And yet it is a lingering joy
To watch a thing so fair,
To think that in our weary life
Such pleasant moments...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Avenger

It is customary among many of the Arab tribes, when a chief is slain, to preserve his sandals, which are given to his son or nearest kinsman when of age, to avenge his...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Slave Ship

No surge was on the sea,
No cloud was on the day,
When the ship spread her white wings,
Like a sea-bird on her way.

Ocean lay bright before,
The shore lay green behind,
And a breath of spice and balm
Came on the landward...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
Introduction (Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1835)

AND has my heart enough of song
To give these pictured lines
The poetry that must belong
To what such art designs?
The landscape, and the ruined tower,
The temple’s stately brow —
Methinks I never felt their power
As I am feeling now.

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 7 years ago
The Visionary

I Pray thee do not speak to me
  As you are speaking now,
It brings the colour to my check,
  The shadow to my...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Coniston Water

Thou lone and lovely water, would I were
A dweller by thy deepest solitude !
How weary am I of my present life,
Its falsehoods, and its fantasies—its noise,
And the unkindly hurry of the crowd,
’Mid whom my days are numbered! I would watch

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Missionary

It is a glorious task to seek,
Where misery droops the patient head :
Where tears are on the widow’s cheek,
Where weeps the mourner o’er the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

In the year 1715, the friends of the Pretender were defeated here by the forces of George the First, under the command of Generals Willis and Carpenter. Having been joined by disaffected people, great numbers of them were made prisoners, brought to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Shuhur, Jeypore

A LONELY grave, far from all kindred ties;
Lonely like life, and that was past afar
From friends and home. 'Tis well that youth has hopes
That gladden with the future present hours ;
Or else how sorrowful would seem the time
Which parts the young...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Honours - Part2 conclusion

Bereft of heaven, and of the long-loved page
  Wrought us by some who thought with death to cope.
Despairing comforters, from age to age
      Sowing the seeds of...

by Jean Ingelow

added 8 years ago
Honours - Part2

(The Answer.)

As one who, journeying, checks the rein in haste
  Because a chasm doth yawn across his way
Too wide for leaping, and too steeply faced
      For climber to...

by Jean Ingelow

added 8 years ago
The Wishing Gate

Wishes, no ! I have not one,
Hope’s sweet toil with me is done ;
One by one have flitted by,
All the rainbows of the sky.
Not a star could now unfold
Aught I once wished to be told.
What have I to seek of thee?
Not a wish remains for...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
Airey Force

Aye, underneath yon shadowy side,
  I could be fain to fix my home;
Where dashes down the torrent’s pride,
  In sparkling wave, and silver...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
A Legend of Teignmouth

A STORY of the olden time, when hearts
Wore truer faith than now—a carved stone
Is in a little ancient church which stands
Mid yonder trees, ’tis now almost defaced ;
But careful eye may trace the mould’ring lines,
And kind tradition has...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Dancing Girl

A light and joyous figure, one that seems
As if the air were her own element ;
Begirt with cheerful thoughts, and bringing back
Old days, when nymphs upon Arcadian plains
Made musical the wind, and in the sun
Flash’d their bright cymbals and...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
John Kemble

O ! GLORIOUS triumph, thus to sway at will
All feelings in our nature ; thus to work
The springs of sympathy, the mines of thought,
And all the deep emotions of the heart.
To colour the fine paintings of the mind,
And bid them move and breathe....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Improvisatrice - I (Florence)

I am a daughter of that land,
Where the poet’s lip and the painter’s hand
Are most divine, —where the earth and sky,
Are picture both and poetry—
I am of Florence. ’Mid the chill
Of hope and feeling, oh! I still
Am proud to think to where I owe

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
"The Scroll"

The maiden's cheek blush'd ruby bright.
And her heart beat quick with its own delight;
Again she should dwell on those vows so dear.
Almost as if her lover were near.
Little deemed she that letter would tell
How that true lover fought and fell.

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Pilgrim (And Palmer, grey Palmer, by Galilee's wave.)

And Palmer, grey Palmer, by Galilee's wave.
Oh! saw you Count Albert, the gentle and brave.
When the crescent waxed faint, and the red cross
rushed on,
Oh! saw you him foremost on Mount Lebanon.

* * * * *...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago
The Troubadour. Canto 4 E (Reunion)

AND praise rang forth, the prize is won,
Young minstrel, thou hast equal none!
They led him to the lady's seat,
And knelt he down at EVA'S feet;
She bent his victor brow to deck,
And, fainting, sunk upon his neck!
The cap and plume aside were...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 8 years ago

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