Rnsherrer's Poems Page #2

Here's the list of poems submitted by rnsherrer  —  There are currently 98 poems total — keep up the great work!

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Heavenly Wisdom

Who is wise and understanding,
A wise person's knowledge endured;
Meets whatever is demanding,
Works with a meek wisdom assured.

But if having bitter jealousy,
Selfish ambition your heart;
Do not try to boast with envy,
Nor fictitious truth...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago

The preacher was wise as he taught,
Knowledge and wisdom to study;
He gave good heed that they had sought,
Care of proverbs and hymnody.

The preacher sought words of delight,
Uprightly he wrote words of truth;
By giving the proper insight,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Testimony of the Lord

I thank the Lord who gave me strength,
Appointing me to His service;
To persevere at any length,
Judged me faithful having trueness.

Before I was a blasphemer,
Ignorantly in unbelief;
Opponent and persecutor,
The mercy of Christ gave...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago

We ought to give thanks to God,
God chose you as His firstfruits;
Blessings to honor and laud,
By your brief that constitutes.

Sanctified belief in truth,
He called you through the Gospel;
Obtain glory from your youth,
About Christ to the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Privilege Restoration

Let me hear what the Lord will speak,
To His people, He will speak peace;
But let them not turn back to seek,
To cause the armistice to cease.

Surely your salvation is near,
That glory may dwell in the land;
Remember to honor and fear,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Faithful Blessings

For your shame, you shall have double,
For dishonor has confusion;
Rejoice for the part of trouble,
Perfect joy in the conclusion.

The eternal joy you shall see,
In the land that you shall possess;
Love the justice from God shall be;

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Apostolic Authority

Even though we walk in the flesh,
We wage not to war against it;
The Holy Spirit does refresh,
In doing what we will merit.

Flesh is not a weapon of war,
God has divine might to destroy;
By stopping Satan at his core,
From the darkness, he...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Never Ashamed

Be not ashamed to testify,
Testimony of our Lord;
Your suffering does not deny,
Its power cannot be ignored.

Christ saved us when we were falling,
Because of His purpose and grace;
Called us to a holy calling,
For the Gospel, we could...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Heirs in Christ

We are debtors, not to the flesh,
For if to the flesh we will die;
In the Spirit, we will start fresh,
Onto the Lord when we comply.

By the Spirit then you shall live,
Putting to death the body deeds;
Confessing then He will forgive,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Vision and Thorns

Three times I pleaded with the Lord,
That this weakness depart from me;
It is like I have been ignored,
In giving the strength to be free.

But His grace should be sufficient,
His power has been made perfect;
Never doubt the Omniscient,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Instruction in Wisdom

Fret not about evildoers,
Nor workers of iniquity;
Envy not the wrongdoers,
Their violent atrocity.

For they will be fading like grass,
Start to wither like the green herb;
A while with time, they will pass,
Being audaciously absurd.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Looking for Favor

I lift my eyes unto the Lord,
Who is enthroned up in Heaven;
To whom that is loved and adored,
All the blessings that He has given.

As the eyes of a servant see,
Look to the hand of his Master;
Blessings on me with His mercy,
Glory of grace...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Sin and Redemption

The Lord’s hand has not been shortened,
That He is not able to save;
Nor His ear has not been conditioned,
For hearing the call that you gave.

But darkness made separation,
Between you and God for your sin;
Blocking you from your salvation,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago

When the needy go seek water,
Their thirsty tongue is finding none;
Parched from the thirst is the daughter,
Along the same line for the son.

The Lord responds to answer them,
The Lord your God will not forsake;
Ensuring He will not condemn,...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Gospel Mystery Revealed

I am the very least of the saints,
For preaching to the Gentiles;
Notwithstanding any constraints,
To change immoral lifestyles.

This grace was given for preaching,
The unsearchable wealth of Christ;
Bringing light to all in teaching,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Complete Collection Appeal

You know about the grace of God,
That has been given to the church;
Severe test to honor and laud,
When afflicted as you will search.

Abundant joy to the extreme,
As poverty has overflowed;
Wealth no longer flows like a dream,
But salvation...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
Pray for Spiritual Insight

I heard of your faith in the Lord,
And of your love towards all the saints;
Cease not nor let it be ignored,
Keep on praying without restraints.

Do not cease in your giving cheers,
Remember me in your prayers;
It is the Lord that one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 3 months ago
Happy Wisdom

Blessings to those who find wisdom,
By getting the understanding;
He gains knowledge of the Kingdom,
And knows what God is demanding.

The gain is better than silver,
And profits are better than gold;
Salvation it will deliver,
When the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
The Righteous Delivery

I sought the Lord who answered me,
He delivered me from my fears;
I knew that I could taste and see,
Able to dry away my tears.

Those who see Him are radiant,
Their faces shall never be ashamed;
For their trust is obedient,
They are...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
The Power of Christ

Not many of you were wise,
Granted to worldly standards;
You did not open your eyes,
No noble birth from stewards.

Not many had the power,
But God chose the foolish things;
Nor has told you the hour,
Of what revelation brings.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
High Priest

In the days of His flesh,
Jesus offered up prayers;
Supplications afresh,
With the Father He shares.

With such loud cries and tears,
Who aptly saves from death;
His reverence calmed fears,
From His abated breath.

Although He was a Son,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
The Centrality

He’s the image of the Father,
The firstborn of all creation;
Known as the Word and Creator,
Heaven and earth of formation.

By Him, all things were created,
Visible and invisible;
Never to be deviated,
The God who is invincible.

He is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 3 months ago
Ministry Character

I will not knowingly offend,
Nor fault anyone as to blame;
In the ministry that I send,
In my words of what I proclaim.

Being a servant of the Lord,
By endurance of afflictions;
The hardships cannot be ignored,
By displaying my convictions....

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
Lasting Hope

Bless the Father of our Lord,
According to His great mercy;
A living hope that is adored,
Resurrection by His decree.

Born again to a living hope,
Resurrected Christ from the dead;
That guides your life on how to cope,
Only nonbelievers...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
Approval Workers

Flee your youthful passions,
And pursue righteousness;
Faith and peace are fashions,
His love is sure to bless.

Those who call on the Lord,
That does have a pure heart;
Foolishness is ignored,
Ignorance to depart.

For they will breed...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago

God shall rise and foes shall scattered,
Those who despise Him shall then flee;
Like broken glass, they are shattered,
Because they are too blind to see.

As with the smoke is driven away,
So shall wax melt from the fire;
Evil perish for...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
Spirit vs Flesh

You have been called unto freedom,
But not the flesh for liberty;
Rather for serving His Kingdom,
Of each other with dignity.

Through love to serve one another,
The Law is fulfilled by one word;
You shall be loving your neighbor,
As loving...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
Spiritual Power

For the Father, I bow my knees,
Father of the Lord Jesus Christ;
While feeling a gentle breeze,
The swaying of the trees enticed.

Every family in Heaven,
And on the earth also been named;
That the blessings had been given,
And all believers...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
O How Deep

Examine what kind of love,
That the Father has given;
As a blessing from above;
That flows from up in Heaven.

We are called children of God,
But the world does not know us;
And why we honor and laud,
The reason we worship as thus.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago
God Knows My Heart

You had formed my innermost part,
Knitted together in the womb;
Gave me breath and started my heart,
And were able to see me bloom.

I praise You how I had been made,
Wonderfully Your creation;
Fearfully how I have obeyed,
Knowingly of my...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 3 months ago

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