Rnsherrer's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by rnsherrer  —  There are currently 98 poems total — keep up the great work!

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Glory be to God Alone

Unto Your name give glory, Lord,
For the sake of Your steadfast love;
Your faithfulness is not ignored,
As flowing down from up above.

Where is the god for the heathen,
Our God does what He pleases;
Our God is up in Heaven,
As His blessings...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Christian Liberty

I say to walk by the Spirit,
And not gratify desire;
Avoiding the worldly merit,
That the devil would require.

Lusts that the flesh would desire,
Are against the Holy Spirit;
They merely make you admire,
Earthly things that will discredit.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Foolish Wisdom

Whoever corrects a scoffer,
He will then get himself abused;
Reprove wicked men to offer,
incurs harm in making them amused.

Do not reprove any mocker,
Expect him to be hating you;
He will then become a stalker,
Waiting for the slip up you...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Deceptive Teacher Judgment

God has spared angels when they sin,
Not sending to gloomy darkness;
Allowing to be cleansed within,
Purified for their starkness.

For He did spare the ancient world,
Preserved Noah for righteousness;
As a flood of waves had been hurled,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
The Righteous Privileges

The Lord’s eyes are on the righteous,
His ears are hearing of their cry;
Compassionate of their conscience,
Hearing with such a mournful sigh.

He’s against those who do evil,
Cutting memory from the earth;
For they do work of the devil,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
A Just Celebration

I will give thanks unto the Lord,
Praising Him with my whole heart;
Marvelous works that I adored,
From His deeds that do not depart.

I will be glad and cheer the Lord,
As I rejoice and sing praises;
I want to be in one accord,
And He...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Realistic Guidance

Rejoice in the Lord always,
I am saying rejoice again;
Give the Lord worship and praise,
For the actions that have been.

Let your reason then be known,
Because the Lord is at hand;
As He sits upon His throne,
He wants you to understand.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 month ago
The Prayer of Faith

Is there anyone suffering?
Let them call unto God in prayer;
And Jesus will give buffering,
With the problems that you would share.

Is anyone among you cheerful?
Let them rejoice and sing praises;
No longer will they be tearful,
For Christ...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 month ago
The Just Judge

The dullest of people are fools,
So when will they ever be wise;
Since they will not follow the rules,
Out of their mouth only come lies.

If the Lord is forming the eye,
Does that mean he’s able to hear?
He would be able to know why,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Worthy Wisdom

You will understand righteousness,
Justice, fairness, and each good path;
Be alert to your consciousness,
Straight and narrow avoids wrath.

Wisdom will come into your heart,
Knowledge be pleasant to your soul;
And together they will impart,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Grateful Heart

O give thanks unto the Lord,
Praising Him with your whole heart;
Sing praises in one accord,
From your lips that you impart.

Bow down in His holy church,
Giving thanks unto His name;
His steadfast love that you search,
His faithfulness to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
True Christian Marks

Let your love be genuine,
Holding fast to what is good;
Keep spiritual discipline,
Abhor evil as you should.

Show brotherly affection,
Love in showing honor;
With spiritual perfection,
Conducting as a fawner.

Do not be slothful in zeal,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Righteously Delivered

I will bless the Lord at all times,
Praising Him always from my tongue;
I will confess all of my crimes,
Casting out sinfulness is flung.

My soul makes its boast in the Lord,
Let the humble hear and be glad;
When you have been in one accord,...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Truth Knowledge

I urge prayer of supplications,
Be made for all the people;
Thanksgiving and intercessions,
Promote going to the temple.

All of those in authority,
As to lead a peaceful life;
Always godly with dignity,
Remaining calm through any strife.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 month ago
Thorny Sight

If I should wish to boast,
I would not be a fool;
Of the heavenly host,
Speaking the truth would rule.

For surpassing greatness,
Not to be conceited;
Remain on the straightness,
Satan is defeated.

I pleaded with the Lord,
From me for to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 month ago
Who Believed

Who has believed what he has heard,
What the arm of the Lord revealed;
The report is written in the Word,
And no longer has it been sealed.

For He grew up like a young plant,
And like a root out of dry ground;
He had no form or regal slant,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Sin Problem

I find it to be a law,
That evil lies close at hand;
Which would be making a flaw,
And never to understand.

I enjoy the law of God,
Within my inner being;
When I give honor and laud,
It gives insight for seeing.

But my members that I...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Extolment Greatness

All Your works shall give thanks to You,
As all Your saints shall bless You, Lord;
For the greatness that You pursue,
That You will be loved and adored.

They speak glory of Your Kingdom,
Telling of Your power and might;
Because Your...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Victorious Resurrection

I will tell you a mystery,
Not all of us will fall asleep;
But we shall see that history,
The future will no longer keep.

For in the twinkling of an eye,
You will hear the last trumpet sound;
As you see the silent not cry,
And the dead are...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
The Gospel Light

The ministry by God’s mercy,
That we do not lose faint of heart;
It will help us able to see,
For receiving as we impart.

We renounced hidden venal things,
Disgraceful underhanded ways;
Cunning craftiness Satan brings,
Blasphemous to one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Spiritual Prayer Strength

Before the Father, I bow down,
The Father of Jesus the Lord;
In His presence, He wipes my frown,
For with being in one accord.

Who each family in Heaven,
And everyone on Earth is named;
All of the blessings are given,
And everyone sang and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 months ago

The Lord is my salvation;
As my light who would I fear;
My stronghold and foundation,
To whom I trust and revere.

The Lord is strength to my life,
Who then should I be afraid;
Evildoers lash out with strife,
They try by making me dread.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Love Eternal

O give thanks unto the Lord,
For His steadfast love endures;
For He is loved and adored,
Forever mercy pursues.

Mercy endures forever.
O give thanks to our God;
A love that will not sever,
Let us all honor and laud.

O give thanks unto...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Lighting the World

As you have always obeyed,
Not only in my presence;
But you have constantly prayed,
A lot more in my absence.

Work out your trembling and fear,
Because of your salvation;
Knowing that God will be near,
Giving a firm foundation.

For it is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
My Strength and Song

On that day you shalt say, O Lord,
I will praise and give thanks to You;
For You turned away and ignored,
The comfort that I You to do.

Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
For the Lord is my foundation,
From the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Spirituality Wisdom

We impart wisdom amongst them,
Although not wisdom of this age;
It is not to exult or condemn,
Rather progression of this stage.

The rulers are doomed to pass away,
But we speak the wisdom of God;
God decreed for them to obey,
And worship...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago

Remember Christ rose from the dead,
In accordance with the Gospel;
For in the Scripture, it was said,
To spread the Word to the people.

Wherein I did suffer trouble,
As an evil doer unto bind;
But God pulled me from the rubble,
Made me see...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago

Put on as God’s elect,
The holy chose ones;
Compassionately select,
Humbled daughters and sons.

Bearing with each other,
Having mercy and grace;
Forgive one another,
Compassionate embrace.

Above all put on love,
Which binds it together;...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Talkto God

Continue steadfastly in prayer,
Being watchful with thanksgiving;
Praying unto the Lord to share,
Your current outlook on living.

At the same time, pray for us all;
That God may open us a door;
Rescuing us from where we fall,
Declaring the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago
Difficult Times

In the last days, there will be hard times,
Lovers of self and of money;
Arrogant and proud, riddled with crimes,
Sinful thoughts evil as funny.

Heartless, relentless, not loving good,
Slanderous, without self-control;
Being as brutal as...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 months ago

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A Robert Frost
B Emily Dickinson
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